The Raw is War Workrate Report

A weekly look at what did and didn't work on Raw is War by Oliver Postlethwaite

Monday, November 24th, 1997

What Worked
Handsome Harvey was a great way to respond to Rick Rude's jump to WCW. It was funny, it may have pissed off Rude and it wasn't overdone. The interview was fine, I don't know if it's an act at this point but Shawn Michaels lets the fans get to him way too much. He's a heel, he should be basking in the heat. Michaels even had this hardened hack thinking that Bret Hart would be making an appearance in hour two.

I can't complain about the Legion of Doom losing the tag team title to Billy Gunn and Road Dog. The match was actually not bad, the LOD didn't look like fossils and the teams clicked with each other. The finish was pretty good for a screwjob too, with a nice roll-up by Billy Gunn. The title change also builds up their match at In Your House.

Goldust is way out there. Loved the accent he went into when his "nurse" was rubbing alcohol on his shoulders. The bit about his broken bone spreading was very funny. Luna Vachon is a great partner for him, as long as they keep her of the mic, her voice is just too painful to bear.

Vega vs. Shamrock was pretty good, I'll give it the nod. They worked well together and it was a mostly clean finish. Vega still has one of the best kicks in wrestling.

Vader vs. Shawn Michaels was a good, short match. The only suspense was whether Neidhart would turn on DX to give Vader the win or DX would turn on Neidhart, killing any babyface heat he might have left. A Neidhart turn would have been better: it would give Vader a win over the champion, it would let Neidhart save his dignity and get him more over, and it would stop DX from becoming the totally dominitating force which is going to kill its heat eventually. Ah well, it's Vince's buyrate, not mine.

What Didn't Work
Forget everything I said last week about Slaughter vs. HHH being not such a bad idea. From the video clips they showed, Sgt. Slaughter looked old even in his prime. And I completely neglected the fact that Slaughter was gonna be hyping the match on Raw with 1980s interviews. Have you ever wanted to hurl the remote control directly at your TV set? To quote Dean, "Welcome to hell!".

Brian Christopher vs. Flash Flanagan didn't work. Flanagan looked green and Christopher pays too much attention to getting himself over as a Memphis-type heel instead of building a good match. It was very generous of Jim Cornette to call Flanagan's pre-match dive a tope con hilo. Christopher can work, he's not flashy but as we saw last week with Shelley vs. Taylor, you can put on a good, solid match without breaking your neck. Taylor vs. Christopher could be good, IF Jerry Lawler is no where in sight and Christopher keeps the hyena laughing to a minimum.

Ok, that's the last time I ever believe anything promised at the top of the hour on Raw. Hart is still under contract and they way Michaels was ACTING had me believe we would see Bret Hart patch things up and finally leave on good terms, just like he wanted to. I'm sure without the build up that mini Bret Hart would have been worth a few chuckles. Add in a really bad angle with the worst member of the Hart Foundation and it all equals no good.

The Butterbean promo plain sucked. Hey, look, he's in a video game! How menacing.

A month after a great shoot-style interview, Jeff Jarrett is back with even stupider looking ring attire than before. Plus he came off as totally unprofessional when he called Crush "Chains". He did have one thing right though, I did not want to see him wrestle Crush. I did not want to see Kane either but at least Paul Bearer was kept off the mic again.

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