The Raw is War Workrate Report

A weekly look at what did and didn't work on Raw is War by Oliver Postlethwaite

Monday, November 16th, 1998

Sorry for half assing it this week but it's this or nothing. Raw was a good show so I should have put more time into reviewing it but a variety of circumstances had me put it off until a week later. One of the things I waste a lot of time on is just keeping current with wrestling on TV. There's just too much of it but at the same time I don't want to miss anything.

The Bret Hart documentary aired in Canada last week. Real good film, although let me be the first to stick my neck out and say that it was a little disappointing given all the hype going in. The story has been simplified for mass consumption and for all the awesome behinds the scenes expose stuff there's still a bunch of kayfabe on Hart's part (in that weird wrestling dual reality way). I'd love to see an uncut version with more locker room stuff 'cos those were really the best parts. And at the end of the day, after digesting this movie and everything I've read on the incident, I still think Hart should have layed down in Montreal. I really do. As a wrestling fan I wanted to see a definitive conclusion to the feud and with Hart leaving (no matter what the reason) it was his role to job. People complained for years that Hogan and the like were ruining the business by their refusal to lose. Bret Hart does it and he's a hero. Huh? I know, reasonable creative control. It would be reasonable to refuse to job to all the midcarders on your way out, not to lose the title to the top heel in the company on one of the biggest PPVs of the year. ANYWAY...

What Worked
I like to think I have a life but the sad fact is that I spent an hour on Sunday night listening to Survivor Series in scramblevision and thinking what a god awful show it was because there was no heat. And that made me think the booking was terrible. And while I'm still glad I didn't buy the show and the copycat of last year's finish was lame as hell, turning Rock heel was a really good idea in hindsight. I mean, now you can say to me that Rock has done one good interview and we won't come to blows. I'm almost digging this the most.

Fuck TSN, again, for the scissor happy treatment they gave Steve Regal, Kama and the ladies. Regal gets over by taking the hos and I love it. Hey, my blood is British, I gotta dig any bordering-on-masculine British role model. Between the live and midnight showings I was able to piece together this angle but I still missed all the ass shaking. As consolation, Kama almost has his best match ever when he and Regal punch each other in the face but the bell never rang so he didn't.

Ken Shamrock and Bossman gave it enough and I like these guys so I'm going to say it worked.

The Rock and Steve Austin had a cool old school match that drew a ton of heat and it was the most watched wrestling match ever this week so who am I to argue with that?

What Didn't Work
To be completely honest, the live crowd in Kentucky was so fucking beautifully hot that every match worked in the sense that it got over (well, except for Jeff Jarrett). But three days later the buzz has been shaved and, objectively speaking, the Outlaws and the Oddities really stunk up the ring. Ok, mainly Krrrgan and Golga. Nice hat though.

I see Goldust is back to being fabulously underwhelming. Hey, the Blue Blazer wrestling again was transcendental somehow. Steve Blackman continued to win me over by trying so hard not to. Was Jeff Jarrett the fourth in this match? Marc Mero?

Val Venis and Mark Henry didn't do much before angle time so it didn't work. Henry's Genius gimmick is cool though. I used to think Chyna was really cool before the implants but I got over that and still thought she was cool until now that she's had her face reconstructed and is a scary real life version of Frankenstein's monster. Poor girl.

Shane McMahon did a poor man's version of the great angle Vince did this summer berating Sable so in light of that I'm knocking it down here even though it wasn't the worst thing in the world. Heck, it fails for Sable's terrible delivery and painful voice.

Hey! I almost forgot about the scintillating Hawk angle. I thought Ellering was the best part of this angle. I don't know exactly why but I like him and he should be on TV more (not if he's leading DOA to the ring though). I guess this is supposed to heat up Droz but do people care enough about Hawk? This was *ok* but the Brood got screwed out of wrestling once again.


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