The Raw is War Workrate Report

A weekly look at what did and didn't work on Raw is War by Oliver Postlethwaite

Monday, November 3rd, 1997

What Worked
Aguila kicks ass! Three great dives, awesome top rope balance and control, cool mask, this guy's gonna be big, well, as big as being a light heavyweight in the WWF can be and Aguila vs. TAKA in the semi-final round is going to rule! Super Loco did ok too, nice space flying tiger drop and missed sky-twister press but he blew the handstand bounce against the ropes spot and he has a frilly costume. Overall a good match, maybe too lucha oriented for the crowd but, hell, I liked it.

Hey, bring Rotundo back as a divorce lawyer and he already has feuds lined up with Goldust and Marc Mero! Marlena did good in her interview segment but Dustin just whined. I think he's finally seeing himself twenty years from now looking just like his father and he can't handle it. I'm fairly certain that this will finally mean the end of the dreaded yellow body suit and for that I'm thankful.

GOOD promo for Michaels vs. Hart at Survivor Series. As it's proven through the years, the WWF is very good at this type of dramatic video package.

The Shawn Michaels show was pretty darn good this week. I still think Super Nova does a better Hulk Hogan impression though. Helmsley, is getting better on the mic, his work was just fine this week and maybe even good. I guess I should mention the kiss. What the hell was Chyna thinking? The spit guard helmets should do well at the merchandise booths.

Ken Shamrock vs. Shawn Michaels was a very good match, I liked it much better than Shamrock vs. Hart from last week. Even if you weren't paying attention it was hard to miss Shawn Michaels calling the match from the point where Shamrock clotheslines him over the top rope. The show on TSN had a couple of inserted audio silences to help cover it up but it didn't work. Yeah, the ending was crappy but aren't they all? Very, very nice fisherman suplex by Ken near the beginning of the match and I also loved the hurracanrana attempt dropped into a powerbomb by Michaels. Stiff, lots of action, Shamrock on fire, great way to end the show.

What Didn't Work
Steve Austin is pissed off, he's gonna kick Owen Hart's ass, it's the damnedest bottom line that's ever been bottom lined. Ahmed Johnson was at the wrong place at the wrong time and now he has no respect for Steve Austin. I don't think it's such a great idea to put the most injured and the most injury-prone wrestler in the ring together, do you? Pretty good segment and all but nothing we haven't seen a dozen times before.

This week Cain's sacrificial lamb was Ahmed Johnson and Steve Austin's was Kama. Neither back-to-back segment thrilled me much. Austin's mic work is better so that's a plus.

Marc Mero fought Savio Vega this week and was all heelish. His titillating treatment of Sable no doubt gave rise to many worn out tape heads.

Vader and Davey Boy Smith had a very bad dog collar match, not all their fault. Furnas and LaFon got more time on the mic than the match did. Furnas seems to have a bit more life in him this go around but LaFon should play the silent guy role. LaFon looked pretty good against Shane Douglas in September so I'm hopeful that a new push for the team will spark some interest in the tag team scene. But who are they gonna wrestle? The other thing that hurt the match was McMahon totally missing the ending and killing all the tension of the finish. If the fan wasn't a plant then why did Team Canada sell their asses off for him?

You know how people are always complaining that certain wrestlers work harder in Japan? Well let me be the first to admit that Jose Estrada Jr., FMW's Crypt Keeper, is at the top of his game in a WWF ring. And he still sucks. Billy Gunn is getting more into his role so I'm not totally giving up on his team with Road Dog.

Next Week: A live report from Ottawa, Canada!

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