The Raw is War Workrate Report

A weekly look at what did and didn't work on Raw is War by Oliver Postlethwaite

Monday, September 22nd, 1997

What Worked
The show opening promo highlighting the history of the WWF in Madison Square Garden was really good, giving the show a sense of history. In a real classy move, they didn't bury Hogan or Savage.

The Undertaker rambled on again during an in-ring interview that was saved by Shawn Michaels being Shawn Michaels. Similarly, the second hour interview segment during which Undertaker interrupted Michaels wasn't bad either but UT almost killed the segment by no-selling a four on one beating! Glad to hear Shawn Michaels address the idiot homophobic fans.

Owen Hart vs. Brian Pillman was nearly great. The opening SMW inspired "pretend" wrestling was hilarious and when they came back from commercial they were really working hard but it didn't go on long enough. The big yellow goof had to ruin it but all things considered, especially the angle that was to follow, this was a tidy little piece of work.

Vince McMahon stepped up to the plate and delivered a damn fine performance en route to being laid out by Steve Austin. McMahon even threw in some good old fashioned wide-eyed twitching to get the whole thing over! I give Vince mad props for going down in his own stomping grounds. And just like the debut of Dude Love, Austin got this piece over with his subtle facials alone.

I MARKED OUT! for the return of Cactus Jack, perhaps my all around favourite worker, and I haven't been this excited watching wrestling since the Cactus Jack street fights with the Nasty Boys all those years ago. The meeting of Jack's minds through the wonder of modern technology was the best. And then he wrestled a pretty darn decent falls count anywhere match with Hemlsley and Chyna. MSG erupting in an ECW chant must have given Paul E. a boner!

Goldust and Bret Hart wrestled a respectable match, solid storyline, good execution and the holy grail, a clean finish! It was great to see Michaels and Hart bury the hatchet and make actual physical contact. And they figured out how to keep Jim Neidhart over, take him off TV for two months! The show closing double chokeslam was cool.

What Didn't Work
Ahmed Johnson returned to the ring and injured himself again! Ok, so it was only a cut up hand. Not bad, not good, it served it's purpose well but that's not saying much.

What little there was of the LOD vs. NOD was a good New Japan-esque heavyweight tag team match, nothing special but stiff and fast-paced. The post-match was good too but the screwy ending ruined the whole thing.

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