The Raw is War Workrate Report

A weekly look at what did and didn't work on Raw is War by Oliver Postlethwaite

Monday, July 20th, 1998

What Worked
Vince was pretty decent as the ring leader this week, his delivery on "Answer me, dammit!" being particularly choice. Seeing the Musketeers getting squashed doesn't have the appeal it did a couple of months ago but they still bump better than half the young guys. Later on in the show Austin did HIS thing on the mic and whaddya know, it was good too.

D-Lo won the European championship, which is actually a pretty good move IF they don't just use him as way to get X-Pac the belt. Mr. Brown is slowly but surely cultivating a personality and his ring work is really good for a WWF wrestler. Top level guys like 3H should do more jobs like this, it ain't gonna affect their heat for more than a few minutes and it instantly elevates a former mid-carder to hey!-the-marks-are-gonna-pay-attention-to-this-guy status.

SO I got handed some piss poor info last week and Pierre really did deserve to lose against Steve Williams but I liked this Brawl for All match anyway and I'm digging the balls it took to debut Doc Death in such an underwhelming way. Hey, he and Regal could paste the shit out of each other and I'd love it a whole lot. Um, why didn't the show Scorpio vs. Sk8-Ball? From the clips they showed it looked like das bruise brother won.

Ok, I got to see the Val Venis angle from last week where Mrs. Yamaguchi-san gives him a blowjob, hey why weren't they doing stuff like THIS when I was in public school? Anyway, the whole Japanese stereotype bullshit has got to go but how can you really complain when they run an angle where a wrestler gets a hummer?

X-Pac and Maivia were kicking ass in the ring in a way that is rare on Raw. Sure, they had to ruin the fun with a bad angle but I really dug this match anyway because ya just gotta not expect a whole lot from North American wrestling this month.

What Didn't Work
I think Precious Paul is great as the evil genius who's ripped and kicks ass but c'mon, it's LOD and DOA!

Steve Blackman and Jarrett did their typically boring match but I gotta wonder about the finish which came out of nowhere but actually worked. Now either Jarrett was hurt bad on the move and called an audible or maybe they're going in some sort of direction where anybody can get dropped on their ass at anytime and get pinned (like they do in New Japan). Probably the latter was what happened but I don't think it'll be a trend. The debut of "The Shooters" as a group wasn't all that but I still think Severn looks like a kick ass mean dad in that suit of his.

Owen vs. Faarooq was not good. Jason Sensation got more heat for Owen than he could get for himself all year. Plus! Faarooq looked really bad tapping out SO close to the ropes.

Jackie buried Sable on the mic! Again! Hey! Sable looks 10X better deflated. Was there even a wrestling match here?

Austin vs. Mankind and Kane was so paint by numbers that even though the crowd was into it I ain't gon' give it a passing grade this week. The current storyline Austin's involved in is not nearly as compelling as his post-Wrestlemania run against Dude Love and Vince McMahon SO I could really care less about this kind of crap match. Michaels sitting at the announcers booth is a bad idea when all he does is mock commentary. Gosh, even Mr. Memphis sounded a little more serious. Why are they selling a PPV main event with four guys that have fought each other so many times recently? I'm not even remotely interested in anything on Fully Loaded. This hasn't been a good PPV arc for Raw, in my not so fucking humble opinion.


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