The Raw is War Workrate Report

A weekly look at what did and didn't work on Raw is War by Oliver Postlethwaite

Monday, June 22nd, 1998

I'm getting into a bad habit of letting things slide until the last minute so here's another late report. A combination of being really busy and being really lazy is my excuse for this week's half-assed effort. Of course you know, this will never, EVER!, happen again. Chris Jericho, the patron saint of procrastinators.

What Worked
It should be interesting to see how they pull off Kane setting himself on fire assuming that Austin keeps the title. McMahon was pretty corny selling the stipulations of the world title match but Kane had one of those cool voice box things that I'm a sucker for. I was pretty impressed that they thought of this as Kane's way to speak.

Shamrock vs. Mark Henry was as basic as you can get but Henry's slowly getting over as a monster and Shamrock gave it his best try so it worked. Vader's run-in looked so good that I can let the screwiness of it all slip and give the match a slight thumbs up.

X-Pac vs. Dustin was pretty good. The WWF will never do it because it will kill his positioning but putting X-Pac into a feud with TAKA Michinoku would breath some life back into the light heavyweight division and deliver the goods with a bunch of great wrestling matches. I guess Dustin's new gimmick is that he likes to shake hands. Oh, boy!

Billy Gunn vs. Mankind worked well enough, I'm still digging Mankind's ring attire the most.

The very Carrie inspired climax to Raw was the best thing you and I will see on TV this week. Kane is finally in an angle that I give a damn about even if the match itself will suck goats. But if the sight of Austin standing in a pool of blood while flames shoot up all around the ring is any indication, it should at least be a spectacle. Yeah, this all has nothing to do with wrestling and I surely am hypocrite given my disdain for it when the Undertaker's involved but it was still great.

What Didn't Work
Who the hell booked Owen Hart vs. Dan Severn? God, it was worse than their first match. Now it does look like a Severn vs. Shamrock final (unless you really think Vince is dumb enough to give us any other combination of the remaining four) and it may just save Danny's last ember of heat if it's amazing enough. It can't be any worse than their last UFC meeting.

Jeff Jarret and Marc Mero was all action but it was still not very good because it was all over the place, had a bunch of lousy outside interference and neither of these guys have any heat of their own. I will give Mero props for his athletic ability because that was a cool looking moonsault he pulled off.

It's no one's fault that The Edge's debut didn't work, just an unfortunate accident that showed how easy it is to get hurt working a match. I am glad that Jose's gonna be all right. So far it looks like The Edge = Sting sitting in the rafters + Raven's angst.

Jesse Jammes tried but you knew that he vs. Kane was gonna be nothing more than a glorified squash.

3H vs. Rocky Maivia was dull, dull, dull except for the finish which gave us a couple of teased pinfalls but that ain't enough to make it work. Helmsley grew into his role on the microphone but his set of wrestling moves remains way back in the '80s. The same thing goes for the Rock but his mic work isn't all there just yet.


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