The Raw is War Workrate Report

A weekly look at what did and didn't work on Raw is War by Oliver Postlethwaite

Monday, May 18th, 1998

What Worked
Vince McMahon continued to excel on the mic this week, opening the show with another awesome interview with great backup work from Brisco and Patterson. Dude Love was right on again, playing his wallstreet role to the hilt. Even Dustin Rhodes came off well and I was shocked at the decent crowd reaction he got. The heel heat McMahon generates is probably making Eric Bischoff cry.

Was Steve Austin shooting when he said he'd stomp a mudhole in Pat Patterson's ass? Brisco and Patterson were great standing beside Vince at the top of the entrance ramp, each begging McMahon to be involved in the main event.

Shoot me but the street fight was freaking great. Sure, those were some of the worst ninny heel bumps in recent memory but it was great nostalgia, drew a ton of heat, and worked like a motherfucker. Jim Ross threw out a line of the year talking about the rear-end work Patterson does for the Brisco Brothers. McMahon was giving it the most making himself look like a legit tough guy.

There's more stuff in Didn't Work but since Raw is at least 50% McMahon and Austin these days I still thought it was a great show. Not a great *wrestling* show, but a great show.

What Didn't Work
Val Venis looked ok in his debut but the only two big moves he did were a sloppy German suplex and a top rope splash, which looked good but it's still a pretty pedestrian move for a finisher. But what pissed me off about this match was the fact that it stopped Scorpio's push dead in its tracks.

I liked Marc Mero vs. Terry Funk because hey, it's Terry Funk but I can't say it was good. I really hate it when guys no-sell anothers finishing move like Funk did with the TKO, popping right up mere seconds after the fact.

The DOA vs. LOD 2000 was the same kind of terrible match they've all been involved in during the last few months. Did Sunny jump ship sensing a serious career killer? Why should that schoolboy roll-up have pinned Animal? What makes a fresh nazi twin able to get the pin on him that way? It was a beyond terrible finish.

Dustin Rhodes and Dude Love looked ok for a few seconds but this match was designed to go nowhere and end fast.

Uh, why can't we just get TAKA in the ring with Kaientai instead of having these embarrasing light heavyweight vs. heavyweight matches which make Togo, Teioh and Funaki look like the three stooges instead of the big league ass whompers that they really are? Trust me, these guys can all wrestle. I was real down on TAKA stemming from his WWF stint but I watched a beautiful singles match last month from December between he and Shoichi Funaki that would rule the freaking earth on a WWF PPV. Why don't they let Dick Togo wear his pirate mask and blue tights? Why can't Teioh come out in his boss fur coat? Why can't Funaki wear the Adam Ant face paint? Why are three of the best heels in wrestling so fucking boring now? Why is Bradshaw around for all this?

The DX introductions are great but once the match gets underway the heat dies fast. There's nothing special to write about in Owen Hart and Maivia vs. the Outlaws, except that Brian Armstrong won the style portion of the competition.

The Undertaker/Kane brawl was a little more spirited than usual but y'all know I hate this crap, though I did get a bit of a kick out of Uncle Paul Takes a Paternity Test.


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