The Raw is War Workrate Report

A weekly look at what did and didn't work on Raw is War by Oliver Postlethwaite

Monday, February 9th, 1998

What Worked
Sunny knows we want her. I think she's a great gal and all but breast implants are EVIL and I wish she'd stop exploiting herself. She's got brains and does a great job ring announcing. Anyway, I can't say anything bad about the LOD vs. Windham and Jarrett. They worked hard, and the Roadies job all the time now so I can't rag on them too much. I'm glad to see Barry Windham finally back to his old look after his humble beginnings as the Stalker. I liked this one enough.

TAKA & Aguila vs. Brian Christopher and Pantera was the best match on the show, and pretty good, but it looked bushleague next to the classic cruiserweight matches that take place on an almost weekly basis in WCW. Pantera's not as good as I thought he was. He's slow, hesitates a lot between moves and his transitions aren't good. Maybe it's just the style clash. Aguila is an amazing acrobat. He'll be awesome in a couple of years with the right training. TAKA was ok but he's really getting lost in the WWF mix. I don't look forward to his matches much anymore. Brian Christopher was just there. Some people really like his character but I don't think it works outside the USWA.

The Press Conference looked pretty good, probably much better in WWF edited form. I liked it a lot when Shawn Michaels took on the mainstream journalists who think wrestling is shit because I can't stand elitist attitudes (and I'm probably guilty of a few myself). It was so cool to see the wrestlers come off as true professionals while Mike Tyson stumbled over his words on the mic. Actually, Tyson did a lot better than he usually does.

The New Age Outlaws angle was a little lame but a couple of things made me like it. The first was the captain ass comment because the whole point of a guy calling himself mr. ass is hysterical. Really. And the remark about bringing the Terry Funk dummy back to the hotel room was real funny. Was that Jerry Lawler laughing too?

What Didn't Work
Hey, I wasn't in the mood for another Steve Austin interview, and it was a taped Raw and all, so things started off really bad as far as I was concerned. The culmination of this show long angle was ok but the vignettes with Chyna and Los Boriquas really carried it (mainly just the first one).

I don't know if the suicidal top rope tope (so what if he missed) and the swank Chicoutomi Jam should save Pierre vs. HOG from the "Didn't Work" list...nah, the finish really sucked. Pierre's really cool and Jacques is funny in an unintentional way, so I'm digging the Quebecers a whole lot.

Kane and Paul Bearer had another touching heart-to-heart with the fans.

Chainz and Ken Shamrock vs. Faarooq and the Rock was no worse than the LOD/NWA match but I just don't care about any of these guys so I didn't like it. I was a big Shamrock mark during his UFC/Pancrase days but now he's just another face in the crowd. He did look good at the finish though and took a chairshot like a man. His post-match breakdown has potential. Maybe he'd work better as a heel.

Hey, Steve Blackman is the Magic Man of the WWF! Magic Man's this skinny hippy who wrestles in Michinoku Pro. He does some simple magic tricks before his matches which the crowd digs and it is actually pretty good in a wrestling kind of way. But when the match starts he turns into this total wimp. He had a pretty funny/terrible match with Jinsei Shinzaki (Hakushi) last year that I got a big kick out of. ANYWAY, Blackman's pre-match routine reminded me of him but I didn't enjoy this match at all. The Jackyl speech was ok but I've kind of lost interest in him and the whole cult angle. For one thing, he needs some better wrestlers to manage.

The Goldust freak show is kind of cool because it's an unlikely combo on the surface (Mero/Sable/Dustin/Luna) but the match quality sucks and this one with Thrasher was no exception. I guess I should give up on Dustin Rhodes ever being a good worker again but a nostalgic part of me won't let it go.

How come Owen Hart wasn't on TV this week (except for a cameo at the end) to promo the 8-man match?

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