The Raw is War Workrate Report

A weekly look at what did and didn't work on Raw is War by Oliver Postlethwaite

Monday, February 1st, 1998

What Worked
I liked the opening message from Degeneration-X, but I'm a sucker for that kind of "stick it to tha man!" schtick. Just think of how many asses the word "ass" has put in seats all across North America.

The DX presidential speech, and the Steve Austin confrontation was pretty damn good, about time Stone Cold started in on Shawn. Good move by Michaels to keep his mouth shut too, because as good as he is on the mic, I don't think he can match the intensity and sharpness of an Austin interview.

Cactus Jack vs. Chainsaw Charlie, the match: I dug the brawling, it definitely needed blood to match any of their IWA or ECW matches but it was pretty punishing nonetheless. The Titantron dive into the dumpster was great, and I thought the ref counting three in the dumpster would have been a good finish.

Cactus Jack vs. Chainsaw Charlie, the angle: This was one of the most well played out angles on Raw in its history, period. The bump itself was awesome and the live crowd really went nuts for it. I didn't figure on the greatness of the post-match angle though. And I would be remiss if I didn't give a nod to ECW, the culmination of their influence was this angle. It immediately brought to mind the ECW angle where Tommy Dreamer caned Sandman and "blinded" him. Sunny was awesome selling the whole deal, Flash Funk looked great getting all pissed with the New Age Outlaws, *very* nice touch having Savio Vega restraining him and then helping Funk and Jack into the ambulance. Great job by Road Dog, looking guilty as hell and scared to death surrounded by the whole lockerroom. Even though I knew the whole thing was a work from the get go I found myself getting sucked in, it was very compelling TV. And not only did the angle set up the NOA as the most hated heels, it gave subtle pushes to the guys who were featured most prominently in the melee and set up all the matches for hour two, making them all the more interesting. Which makes it such a shame that they blew all the great work in the second hour. Jim Ross uttered an all time classic Ross-ism, "THERE'S PEOPLE IN THERE! THERE'S PEOPLE IN THERE!"

What Didn't Work
Owen Hart vs. Billy Gunn was good enough, and the interest built in the angle really helped to keep focus on the match, and I was all ready to give it the big pow wow until they killed all credibility with the post-match DX run-in. Let me make my case: 15 minutes earlier you had the whole lockerroom just wanting to beat the crap out of the NAO. It was stretching things enough by having the NAO actually make it to the ring unscathed, but then the match dissolved into a double team on Owen Hart which should have been reason enough for the enraged lockerroom to empty. And then DX do a run in and still no one wants to save Owen...AND THEN they tease throwing him to his DEATH and then only the officials make the save. Was it just me or did this not make any sense in light of the strong dumpster angle?

Marc Mero vs. Mosh (notice how much the Headbangers were on camera during the dumpster angle?) was a bad match, plain and simple. I got a kick out of Goldusts' costume of the week, as I usually do. I kinda wish he'd warn the same outfit that Marylin Manson did at the MTV awards. Well, wish is probably too strong a word.

The Tiger Ali Singh promo was a joke. This guy is so untalented it makes me sick he's getting a push. Why? I mean, Tiger Ali is no rookie by any means, and he still looks like he's wrestling his first match everytime he gets in the ring. Mix that with the fact that he has no charisma and I fail to see the logic. Total cheese.

Faarooq vs. Chainz was another boring big man match with another typical gang feud finish.

Hey, the best possible upshoot of the whole dumpster angle is that maybe Flash Funk will get a decent sized push. Lord knows he certainly deserves it more than Tiger Ali and most of the other superstars. But, the tag match pitting him and Bradshaw vs. Windham and Jarrett wasn't anything to write home about. Notice the way Jim Ross says "NWA" all the time, emphasizing it so it sounds like he's saying "NWO"? Maybe if they say it enough...nah, but the rumour (and that's all it is at this point) of Flair coming in under this angle is definitely KING-SIZED!

Wink Collins? Geez, I was gonna praise this angle if Kane actually got to plant him but they wussied out. Vader cleaning house with a fire extinguisher was pretty cool though.

Hey, there was really no actual match between Road Dog and Steve Austin, quel surprise! And then they really, I think, put the nail in the coffin of one of the WWF's best angles ever by having Cactus Jack and Terry Funk come down the rampway, IVs in hand, which didn't fly at all. The whole deal was obviously meant to build heat for IYH, but I think it would have been much better to have everyone wait until Sunday to see Funk & Jack, but I can see the risk in that not boosting buyrates, but the payoff woulda been better, from a wrestling angle (and not money) point of view. It just seemed corny, afterall. But still, the first hour was so strong that this has to be considered one of the best Raws ever. Now just what was I saying about Raw last week...?

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