The Monday Nitro Workrate Report

A weekly look at what did and didn't work on Monday Nitro by Dean Rasmussen

Monday, December 1st, 1997

What Worked
Well, Rey Misterio Jr vs Juventud Guerrera was about as good as a Nitro match gets. They did all the Negro Casas/El Hijo Del Santo mirroring of moves stuff that I'm always a sucker for. Juventud hits the SWANKEST Michinoku Driver II on Earth, and hits the FANTABULOUS Springboard Hurricanrana mid-rope. Rey does his World's Fastest Head-scissors EVER and is his usual spectacular self- selling the leg that Juventud worked on all the way to the end. Eddy in the announcer's booth was GREAT also, as he didn't try to get himself over at the expense of the match but attempted to get himself over in context with the match. I loved this and all, but Rey needs to put Juventud over already. Monday's are SO much better when it is Lucha-Intensive.

Yuji Nagata vs Prince Iaukea was the best showing so far for the post-NJ Prince. Yuji hits the PHAT-ASS Dangerous Backdrop that Prince takes like a man; Prince and Yuji fiddle around with some neato mat-work and, overall, this was pretty stiff work being done. The Prince wins and I'm digging it if he continues to wrestle like he has been the last two weeks. I'm guessing that Nagata gets a win next and hopefully this will be some weekend angle because this is pretty good. And they should drag Chavo Jr in somewhere in here.

Chris Benoit beating the holy CRUD out of Kidman was pretty SWANK. I think I'm the only person on earth who digs this angle. Benoit beats the crap out of the army of Raven one at a time until he gets to Raven himself- meanwhile he gets to wrestle decent wrestlers, MENAWHILE the heat builds up to the point where they actually throw stuff in the ring when the Benoit Stompdown begins. Benoit beats the HELL out of Kidman BUT (unlike shitheads like Meng or Sullivan) he also sells like a freakin KING, making Kidman look credible before finally stretching him. I'm digging all this. Plus, sooner or later, Van Hammer gets to TRY to no-sell Benoit, which, if anybody remembers the hilarious Ice Train match, will be more fun than the law is allowing.

HEY! Psicosis dropped the wig! KICK ASS! Suddenly he's a taller Juventud. This was pretty good, but way too short. UD looks like he is back in shape, but they need to actually do something with Psicosis now. Hell, feuds are good for that kinda stuff! How a bout a feud with one of the eighteen thousand good wrestlers in the company?

What Didn't Work
WELL NOW! Hugh Morris against Wrath wasn't very good. No. Not at all. These two actually showed promise at some point in their respective careers and now they are trapped in Slightly Agile Power Wrestler Hell. These two are as boring as a TAZ interview and almost half as long.

Luger vs Buff was better than it COULD have been, but it COULD have been the worst match on Monday Nitro. Buff tried to drag a match out of the Flexy one but HELL! it's Luger! Whatcha Gonna DO? I mean, Luger always tries real hard, but he's just naturally suited for ANYTHING but professional wrestling. He's the hardest working lummox on earth.

Zybsko vs Bischoff. Who gives a shit? I mean, Benoit vs Bischoff would be worth the money, because you know Benoit would beat the fuck out of him before the World's Most Telegraphed Screwjob. This SUCKS. First the Jacquelyn match and now this. I wonder if they could get Mr. T to be special guest referree and maybe get Jason Hervey and Ken Osmond to to all-star judges.

HEY! I don't think much of Disco Inferno as a wrestler in the International Workrate Condescending Pain in the Ass Way but I respect him LOADS more than the Overrated Guy- Scott Hall, so this was a disgrace.



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