The Monday Nitro Workrate Report

A weekly look at what did and didn't work on Monday Nitro by Dean Rasmussen

Monday, November 17th, 1997

What Worked
Eddy Guerrerro vs Dean Malenko kicked FREAKIN ASS. These Guys In The Ring Together + The Sudden Cruiserweight Belt Intrigue Through Actual Booking = Mountains of Heat for a REAL wrestling match. Eddy was fucking KING in this match- going into overdrive in the New Japan Jr way and in the Lucha Libre Super Rudo way, taking the phatest ass bumps he could think of. This was just NUMBER ONE AND THE BEST. WCW gave it enough time, they both wrestled like mofo's and the ending (double Superplexes, including a Super Backdrop Driver-Suplex) was nigh perfect for an ending. THAT'S how you do a double countout. I ain't never getting tired of this feud.

Rey Misterio Jr vs Chris Jericho was pretty great, if a bit sloppy. Jericho's World's Slowest Heelish turn is making him more over already. Jericho hits the SWANK top-rope gorilla slam, and the almost as swank Military Press Brainbuster. Misterio has the slightly botched move of the night with the Blind Spinning Toprope Springboard Hurricanrana into a Rollup. Jericho should wrestle Malenko and Guerrerro next and get a pin over one of them to force a WHOMP ASS four corners match for the belt. LionHeart is definately positioning himself fotr that fourth spot in the Cruiserweight scene. Jericho gets extra special points for dragging Rey around by the mask and by doing the little Kanemoto "I'm SUCH a Collossal Prick" kicks to the head. I FELL out.

Perry Saturn vs Scotty Riggs was WILDLY better than ever should have been. Riggs is now the Tommy Dreamer in the Raven's Nest angle- except Riggs is a better worker and less chatty (Thank You GOD!) Saturn is becoming one of my faves for the simple fact that he farkin sells, will take hellacious bumps and has become a more interesting wrestler AFTER having knee surgery. Plus he looks credible on the mat, which you GOTTA love. I'm digging this angle, and Scotty Riggs should kiss Scott Levy right on the mouth for saving his little career with this angle. Scotty Riggs took truly worldclass bumps in this baby and I loved his plancha onto the flock. This is gonna be good!

Villano 4 vs DDP was a lot better than I figured it would be, just because DDP sold for the Villanos and the Villanos are so fuckin great.

WOO-HOO! God Bless the nWo! They answered my prayers and FINALLY stopped a Steiners match before it started! WOO-HOO! Scott Steiner- for best results, inflate to 250 psi.

What Didn't Work
To quote GP, master of the WorldWide Support Group- "It's only Ray Traylor." Kick him again! Go ahead! See if I care. Kick him! Go ahead!

Hey! It's Rick Rude. This is exactly like the Lex Luger thing when he suddenly jumped- one good shock on Nitro, but then your stuck with him for three years. Rick Rude is becoming "the guy who wears a suit and shows up on all the wrestling shows." I hope to GOD they don't let him do color commentary like in ECW. YEESH! Now they have Elizabeth, Vincent, Bischoff, Rodman and Rude who are people who stand around with the nWo but don't actually wrestle. All WCW has is Ted Dibiase who stands around and does nothing outside the ring while watching the Steiners do nothing inside the ring. OH! And Teddy Long.

JJJEEEEEEZZZZUUUEEESSS!!!! Meng vs Frickin Glacier was the biggest turdburger served up by the braintrust at WCW in a while. MENG is such the polyp on the large intestine of wrestling. Notice the amazing way that wrestling doesn't affect him. It's as if someone forgot to tell him back at his little Tongan wrestling school that the other guys aren't really gonna hit you hard- BUT you should probably act like they did. It's called "selling", and MENG is great big pile of shit.

HEY! Mongo sure does suck! I can't believe Poor Alex Wright- who has become one of the few LEGIT heat machines this year- has to put up with this crap. Get him back in with a real wrestler already. Hell! make him the disenfranchised German member of the Raven's nest. Since Jeff Jarrett is no longer stinking up the rings of WCW, Mongo has worn out his welcome as Guy To Keep Jeff Jarrett Out Of Feuds With Real Wrestlers. Learn to run the ropes third best defensive lineman on the 1985 Bears. Welcome To Hell.

Who ON EARTH gives a flying CRUD about Zbysko vs Scott Hall? I didn't like Zbysko when he was stalling for twenty minutes in his prime. Boy, the flood of memories may bring me to getting all misty as I get to yell, "HEY! Grampa Zbysko! Why don't you DO SOMETHING ALREADY! YOU SUCK!!" all over again. Ah...the misspent youth... Stephanie... Jennifer... Old English 800....



Dean Rasmussen, Juventudiac.

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