The Monday Nitro Workrate Report

A weekly look at what did and didn't work on Monday Nitro by Dean Rasmussen

Monday, October 6th, 1997

What Worked
Benoit vs Hennig was freakin GREAT! If they wise up and make this a real feud, it would really put Benoit deeply in with the Big Boys and would continue to make Hennig look like he can still wrestle (or at least make it look like he's capable of taking a beating at the hands of the amazing Benoit and look good coming out of it). It would also position Benoit as a legitimate World Title contender down the line once Hennig gets the world belt and is looking for decent matches to solidify his reign. This was kinda like those endless Benoit/Sullivan matches but with the major difference being that Hennig oversold, as opposed to Sullivan's shitty no-selling of, Benoit's matchless offence (HEY! He's Canadian so I spelled it wrong.:)). If Hennig would have taken the Rolling German Suplexes on his head like he did on WCWSN, this would have been perfect (tee-hee!). Benoit puts him over clean and then the bullshit starts which is how you do these things. Match first, then the angle. Benoit is GOD and they've lucked into a worthy matchup that is gonna shred Hennig/Flair if Benoit/Hennig ever gets off the ground. I was digging this the most.

Ultimo Dragon and Eddy Guerrerro tear it up again and blow a couple of spots but hit a lot more in this real good match. This is the cool matchup that WCW has delivered that New Japan never did, for some reason. Hopefully, this feud will take centerstage once Eddy drops Rey like a punk at the seemingly unwatchable dreck that will be Halloween Havok (HEY! HOWABOUT A TRIANGLE MATCH BETWEEN EDDY/UD/and REY. BETTER YET! Four Corners Elimination match between REY/EDDY/UD and Juventud!) Dragon did the whip ass reversal into the Dragon Sleeper that he did in Fairfax, but didn't get a chance to hit his running Ligerbomb (which the usually clueless Tony Schiavonne actually picked up on, though he didn't get a chance to hit it. Tony picks up on a nuance in a match! There is a God!) Eddie hits a boss swinging DDT to rival the fab tope by UD. UD kicks real hard. This was really good.

Alex Wright vs Billy Kidman was really a quality match. The Kidman push is kicking in as they show his future Mentors, Raven and Perry Saturn, sitting at ringside and they ramble a bit about it. Kidman hits lotsa cool stuff that he couldn't hit earlier in his WCW tenure because of his whipping boy status- including a neat lariat, which I didn't think was possible this side of Kenta Kobashi. Alex was really great, hitting some nice moves, and the split screen to Mongo was a little irritating, but at least it was a split-screen (as opposed to the Malnko/Eddy debut debacle) and it was over soon, as I guess they realize that no one gives a crap about the Mongo/Jarrett angle. Wright hits a sweet German suplex that Kidman made look real good. The Kidman Push! WOO-HOO!

The Lucha Libre documentary was tres neato. I have GOT to get the El Santo film where he is shooting fire out of his hand. Now that was foreign. I'm hoping that since they mentioned Luttheroth, Arena Mexico and EMLL that all the EMLL guys will be flooding in already. I await next week when they show the man responsible for Mano Negro Jr's travesty that is a mask.:)

What Didn't Work
The cosmetically enhance Unnatural Nature Boy chasing Hennig out of the building looked a lot like an old man chasing his teenage son with a belt.

COOTER BENOIT: Hey, ya better look out Kurt, I think your dad saw you with your pack of smokes.
SKEETER HENNIG: Ah crap, man! He's such a boner. I'll catch you at the pep ralley then we'll go race Los Boriquas for pinks.
COOTER BENOIT: Kick Ass. Good Luck, dude. My old man's a cranky bastard too, eh.
MR FLAIR: Get back here, you little punk! Don't you run from me! Me and your Mother will be waiting!

Booker T needed a good win to start him on the way to a single career, so, of course, shithead Jarrett didn't put him over clean. Jarrett did everything else right in the match, actually wrestling and selling for once in his useless WCW tenure and Booker T may finally get a chance to escape the before-now-inescapable spectre of suck that is his brother.

DDP vs Disco Inferno did nothing for anybody except that during the postmatch it peripherally set up a good main event. As I watched DDP dumb down his attack for DI to a Scotty Riggs level offense, I wondered where all the luchadores were? YEEKS! And just when you thought that nothing more suckass than Mongo vs Jarrett could get on the PPV, Jacquelyn vs Disco Inferno for the fucking TV title. Hey! This belt goes back to Nelson Royal and Tully Blanchard and Steven Regal and Arn Anderson, so you gotta love WCW's devout love of tradition.



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