The Monday Nitro Workrate Report

A weekly look at what did and didn't work on Monday Nitro by Dean Rasmussen

Monday, September 20th, 1998

It's obvious that WCW is starting to go to longer matches and it's making it a much better show because a longer match at least has a CHANCE of not sucking.

What Worked
Chavito and Konnan had a really extended match with Konnan supplying the heat and Chavo supplying the work. Konnan assumes the Dusty Rhodes role to Chavo's Tully as fat, out-of-shape and totally blown up Konnan tries to not have a massive coronary as Chavo Bumps His Ass All Over The Ring. Chavo pretended he was a basic Promo Azteca Konnan Slave Boy- going so far as to actually do the Psicosis Ringpost Shoulderbreaker Spot. Konnan is officially a quite carryable load and Chavo is officially Awesome.

Kidman vs Disco Inferno starts with the showlong Disco Has To Make Weight shtickt with actually worked because it makes DI look a little stronger despite him putting Kidman over clean- which is weird because DI is putting Ernest the Shat Miller over in two seconds- and Kidman is a billion times more over than Miller. The main reason this works is because- once again- the Cruiserweight title is defended on TV in a really good match that is given a very significant chunk of time. DI has definately become one of the most improved wrestlers of the last 12 months as he joins Juventud Guerrera and Billy Kidman on the US shortlist so this match had a lot going for it going in. The match itself did expose a minor weakness of these two- neither has the arsenal to combine with the other to make a compelling match on it's own, thus the reason you could stick Kidman in with the gargantuanly move-heavy Juventud is the same reason that they throw in the Lodi thing, thus leading to DI's his first offensive transition as- for once in a long while- a couple of booking decisions by WCW actually made a match BETTER. Congrats boys- you finally got one right. This match was really cool as they hit a WHOLE BUNCH of cool nearfalls. The angle got them to the cool finishing sequence which got them to the cool ending which got both over a little more and I got to watch some good wrestling. There you go.

Ric Flair yells at Bischoff and Benoit and Malenko continue to ride the old and tattered coattails of Flair to a Fat Ass spot in the company. Thus this longwinded tirade worked on a couple of levels. Shoot angle as basic Owner/Employee marriage counselling- you saw it here first. And Eddie and Jericho lost Japan to Takaiwa and Ohtani for those playing at home.

Alex Wright beat the crap out of DDP for a few minutes before the inevitable finish. Alex gets neato heel heat for saying wotta buncha rubes American wrestling fans. I gotta love THAT. Alex Wright makes the Most Improved In the US shortlist too.

Fit Finlay vs Barry Darsow. Okay, this was kinda crappy- but FIT FINLAY IS BACK ON MY GOLLDANG TV SET AND BEATING ON BARRY DARSOW'S DAD!!! WHIP ASS!! I'm all over this!

Saturn and Jerry Flynn was the third decent length match of the night as this Nitro trend has me tickled pink. GOLLY! Wait until everybody else gets off the injured reserve! Jerry kicks like a pansy and so does Saturn but this was a big old batch of wrestling with Saturn hitting some cool suplexes and ACTUALLY SELLING A CROSS-ARMBREAKER BETTER THAN IT'S SOLD IN NEW JAPAN AND ALL JAPAN. You fight for the ROPES because the entire body of your opponent is HYPEREXTENDING YOUR FRICKIN ARM! It's NOT a headlock or a weardown hold; it's your ARM about to be BROKEN. Saturn sold this better than KOSHINAKA sells it. SATURN! A former SPOT-MACHINE! sells this better than guys who wrestled guys from UWFi! GO FIGURE! WHY I... I... I... I need a warm compress.

What Didn't Work
Villanos vs Raven/Kanyon was too scary to work EVER. YEESH! Mad Phat Props to Raven for holding IV's neck straight until the medic arrived. Another reason to like Levy. Although they should probably not do that move ever again. Luckily, it was just a sprain and my favorite tagteam in WCW marches on!

Wrath vs Nick Dinsmore. Dinsmore is a good little worker- a sort of budding Barry Houston. Wrath, baby, c'mon, SELL SOMETHING! Stealing your gimmick from Goldberg and all your moves Kanyon doesn't mean that you should try to sell like Meng. Ugh. NEXT!

Rick Fuller vs Rick Steiner. Hey, Villano 4 almost has his neck broken. Rick Steiner was watching in the back, I would think. It didn't dawn on him that the sloppy shitty finisher that he used tonight almost permanently disabled Buff Bagwell- Bagwell being a wrestling who shares a characteristic with Fuller in that they are both wrestlers endagering their livelihoods to a horrible, no-selling, no-WORKING crappy, crappy, fat wrestler.

Ernest Miller was on my TV. He really sucks.

The Ultimate Warrior with Wax Leslie In The Rafters was SO oversold by Schneider that I watched it in normal speed- being stoked about seeing something TRULY horrible and heat -destroying. Phil said that it was Midget In A Speedboat- "Sullivan! Sullivan" "YES FATHER"-Team Piper Auditions level MUST-OWN-ON-TAPE TV. This was just wretchedly boring and stupid, not AMAZINGLY CREATIVELY TRANSCENDENTLY HORRIBLE as the other things I just mentioned. It was SO not as cool as the Shockmaster Debut. This crap wasn't GREAT crap, it just sucked. I was inconsolable. Does anyone have a tape of the AWA Team Challenge they could send me? Please...?

Scott Hall's really drunk! Lex and Nash are concerned! The Giant with cheap shot! Where is this angle going? Who gives a crap? These guys all suck.

ONE WARRIOR NATION! They detach Ed Leslie's lips from the buttocks of Hulk Hogan and attach it to the needle-pocked, festering ass of Hellwig. And I'm supposed to give a shit. I guess nobody cared because Raw sured beat this angles ass into the ground, ratings-wise.



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