The Monday Nitro Workrate Report

A weekly look at what did and didn't work on Monday Nitro by Dean Rasmussen

Monday, August 16th, 1999

We finally finished DVDVD #100- (go to the DVDVR site and write me frothing e-mails about what we overlooked! It's fun! Manami Toyota is mentioned once! And we forgot Masato Tanaka's entire body of work! And it's STILL huge!) and that was the final thing keeping the Nitro Workrate report from being done on a regular schedule so look forward to one day turnarounds from now on if my stomach isn't churned as much as it was last Monday. BOY! THAT SUCKED! FOR THE MOST PART!

What Worked
Golly! Benoit really beat the living dogcrap out of Disco Inferno. Benoit is starting to look like he may actually get over enough to have a picture on his own credit card. Hell I'd get one. In case you are wondering why Benoit is so frickin' great, the main thing here is that while he really beats the holy fucking hell out of Disco, by the end, Benoit has made DI look so good that he looks twice good coming out of the match than before going in. Flair could elevate guys he totally outclassed and so can Benoit. Because he's all great and shit.

The Rey/Lenny match was fucking great before WCW decided to take a big poop on it. Luckily, the real wrestling match on Thunder was just as good, had an actual finish and actually got the belt off Rey. Lane is feeling his moment, is over as a heel and is working his ass off so who can quibble. I love the fact that Lenny Lane can say something that few other wrestlers can say (I THINK only Jushin Thunder Liger can say this) "I have pinned both Rey Misterio Jr and the Great Sasuke." Lenny is becoming one of the great weirdo footnotes of Pro Wrestling if he stops RIGHT NOW. The Twisting Senton to the floor says he may get to be bigger than a footnote. Oh yeah, WCW can go to hell for sucking my dink for sending Softball Sid in to ruin this.

Golly, DDP is putting over any and everybody these days it seems. Actually, this was just Kidman bumping like a freak as DDP hits his cool upgraded offense and then Kidman getting the pin out of nowhere- so it was more like Hector Garza getting that pin on Scott Hall than- say- DDP putting over Benoit twice clean as a sheet.

Saturn whips out the Asai Moonsault and BamBam continues to be the best big man in North America as BamBam puts over Saturn after the assist from Shane Douglas. BamBam fucking rules as he bumps like a KING and allows Saturn to hit wads of his offense- including a fucking Exploider that BamBam takes right on his neck. The Revolution here on Nitro is just a stable of really great wrestlers. On THUNDER, the Revolution showed what they SHOULD become- a quasi-socialist political movement filtered through pro wrestling. The whole Marxist rally symbolism and pageantry Thursday was fucking great. CHE! BENOIT! ARRIBA LA REVOLUCION!

Ya know, just when I figure I should follow Gancarski's lead and get out of this reveiwing of WCW thing because I've run out of things to amuse myself when discussing the cretinous organization called World Championship Wrestling, along comes something as amazingly great as the Bryan Adams Meets KISS Meets The Phantom angle and suddenly my dwindling well of jokes gets replenished by a groundswell of assinine WCW ideas. I mean-CRAP!- this could be as great as the Yeti or the Shockmaster. The bad thing is that it could ruin a steadily improving Brian Adams (or HELL!- it could MAKE Bryan Adams- what do I know?) Either way, I'm behind this 100%. And if KISS does ROCK BOTTOM monday, that will work like a motherfucker. Golly! I'm "Old School". Or maybe I should just say "Old". You kids get out of my yard!

What Didn't Work
Uh, how about the whole cocksucking motherfucking first hour. Who's brilliant idea was it for Shithead Sid to ruin every match worth watching in the first hour- and then ruin everyone's EXCEPT the Cat's? THEN the oldest turd in the WCW toilet crawls out with Sting to set-up the shitty main event. Fuck you Shithead Hulk Hogan- he needs to go back to make shitty movies that nobody watches as opposed to fucking up wrestling shows that nobody watches. We could go at length as to what particular parts of deformed goats and cyst-coated donkeys WCW can suck on but the shitheads who book this garbage would probably enjoy it, the goat-loving imbeciles.

Steiner is trying to wrestle these days it looks like- and his Goldberg match was good in the ways I thought it would be (A sidenote: I was visiting the assorted DC Phils last Sunday and we were bored and CRAZY so we ordered the PPV so- yes- I DID watch Road Wild and it WAS good on the undercard- especially the Vampiro/ICP/Eddy/ Rey/ Kidman match and the Pop-a-rific Benoit vs DDP match- which even III would have had DDP go over. The uppercard sucked because Phil, Phil and I were stuck watching the rest of the PPV after the good stuff was over, so I had the great idea that we should each throw a dollar into a pool and pick the match that would suck the most balls that night. I picked Rodman vs Savage because I figured Rodman would be drunk and Savage is crippled and useless, Ripper picked Sid vs Sting because Sid and Sting both...uh... really suck, and Schneider- the sneaky bastard- nabbed the Hogan vs Nash match and laughed hideously saying, "WHO- tell me WHO- has ALWAYS delivered the shittiest matches in wrestling on the most consistent basis? Why THAT would be Hulk Hogan and Kevin Nash." The little punk was correct, of course, as Rodman decides to bump like a poorman's Hardcore Holly as he and Savage do a passable RAW semi-Main Event match and- for whatever reason- Sting and Sid almost make it to positive stars as Sid wrestles for his life it seemed. Hogan and Nash delivered for Schneider and did the most listless, purile and shitty excuse for a main event in the annals of WCW this month. Schneider is three dollars richer and Ripper and I are two dollars wiser. The Cat/Buff match sucked it twelve ways to Sunday too.) but c'mon- it's Bryan Knobbs and Steiner ain't Fit Finlay. And Knobbs can't put Steiner over clean? Not that I give a shit.

It's funny when you think about the Insane Clown Posse and The Public Enemy wrestling each other because the Insane Clown Posse are a couple of wrestling fan rappers who kinda have shmoozed their way into all three North American promotions, never claiming to be anything other than rappers who wanna be wrestlers. BUT they are already better wrestlers and take better bumps than the Public Enemy who have been around since 1994, who have held the tag titles in two different major and semi-major organizations and who boast Rocco Rock- one of the original Junior Heavyweight highflyers. The key to this phenomenon is a man we call JOHNNY GRUNGE. Golly, I'm no Ricky Martin myself, but Johnny is starting to look like the white guy on SANFORD ARMS. Maybe Johnny Grunge is Fred Ottman's secret lovechild and Dusty ode Fred one for putting the Bulladawoods over in the Big Steel Man vs Dusty Rhodes PWF title match of 87. Who can be sure? Either way, Vampiro is carrying vast sections of the WCW midcard quite successfully now and who the hell would have thought THAT would ever happen?

The actual goodness of Booker T and the comparative goodness of Horace and Vincent (and Vincent bumping a little) could make up for the horribleness of Stevie Ray- who can't wrestle OR do a frickin strongman gimmick without fucking up EVERYTHING- or Scott Norton- who can't find ANY middle gears for selling or stiffness. Actually, Norton has no gears for selling since he... well... sucks. The KISSalicously inania of the Bryan Adams Hangs With Kiss has already scored big points on the worked column.

Turd vs turd- it's just like every other main event on Nitro. Sid sets a new standard of STINK every week and this week he decides to show us how to throw the most business exposing axe handles ever and once again kicks the move's ass with his mighty, mighty suckage. Hogan sucks shit his usual way: no-selling the finisher of his opponent and hitting the shittiest chairshots since his last attempt at shitty chairshots. These two really suck the beef beef beef beef bologna.


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