The Monday Nitro Workrate Report

A weekly look at what did and didn't work on Monday Nitro by Dean Rasmussen

Monday, June 8th, 1998

This is the special Ode To Southern Rock Spectacular. If I leave here tomorrow, will you still remember me...
What Worked
- Hey! Chris Benoit vs Booker T VI was really great for live TV. I figured when I joined everybody in Smart Wrestledom Assembled in saying that Booker T would be a champion-caliber actual singles worker if he had ever gotten away from his larger, less-than-good brother, I assumed he would actually never end up a singles wrestler and would actually just Scott Steiner himself into his brother's level of mediocrity and become an eternal growth-stunted tag-team wrestler. Luckily, Bischoff hates tag-teams, so Booker T was forced to put our money where our mouths are (or something) and live up to the speculation. Which he has. This year, he's been in some really good feuds with assorted Canadians- starting with the amazingly better than it EVER should have been Rick Martel feud. Unfortunately, Martel totally blew his knee out just as he was really getting back to great worker form and Booker T was left without the guidance of a good singles wrestler to wrestle. The Eddy Guerrerro feud didn't get anywhere as Eddy was hurt and the youngest Guerrerro isn't really as great at making big guys have great matches as much as he is custom built for pulling truly spectacular matches out of guys more his own size, so I had almost forgotten that they feuded. Fate is SO on Booker T's side though, as he got the best thing he could ever have- which is Chris Benoit getting fed up with the DDP- Raven feud (HEY! Like the rest of America!)- and backing into this Benoit-Booker T- Finlay feud. Benoit is totally KING-SIZED at doing what WCW needs to do to get Booker T at the level he can could have gotten to if he hadn't been feuding against Dirty Dick Slater and Bunkhouse Buck and their ilk for all these years; Benoit is beating him into Actual Wrestler In The International Sense shape and we get to watch it in this Best of Seven series. This match was pretty beautiful. Benoit looked like the best wrestler in the world, which he is 40% of the time anyway, and Booker T was doing his damnedest to keep up with him and that is the recipe for this being a great wad of stiffness and powermoves. This match was what the future of US wrestling should be- a continuation of the Powermove fixation that grips US audiences (and- HELL!- me for that matter) but infinitely stiffer and with actual selling. Matches like these correct a lot of damage that the Road Warriors and the Powers of Pain did to US wrestling in the 80's. And ratings-wise, people stayed and watched as this segment beat out all the Hogan crap that permeated my screen in super-fast forward. Even marks wanna see actual wrestling every now and then. This how you get it done IN THE RING. No "great mic-work" or "charisma" bullshit. Two guys, one story- who's the better wrestler. Dig the simplicity. To quote the Molly Hatchet, "Buh-buh, buh-buh, buh-buh, buh-buh, Hell yeah."

-Hey! Yuji Nagata has a new coat! SWANK~! And even Jerry Flynn isn't putting him over totally clean. Not nearly stiff enough, but a nice Explo(i)der. To quote Lynard Skynard, "I know a little about love........ and, baby, I can guess the rest."

-I loved Our Role Model's letter from Uncle Ted but he should have included a part about immediate ritual castration if he EVER interupts a mother f*cking Dean Malenko vs Silver f'n King EVER again to get over a stupid angle. To quote Lynard Skynard, "Gimme Back, gimme back my bullets. Puttem back where they belong."

-I'm woozy or something. VAN HAMMER(!?!) and Juventud Guerrera wrestle Reese and Horace Boulder and I my head doesn't explode with insane fury. What could be going on?!? Well, my friend Frank says that Horace Boulder is the worst worker that he's ever seen live (he saw him in Japan, the lucky stiff!) and I'm guessing that Frank never went to a WCW houseshow with Jim Duggan or Bryan Adams on the card and watched them embarrass the sweet science like the total choades that they are. Boulder is REALLY no walk in the park but he did sell a Hurricanrana correctly by Juventud and I'd like to see any other stiff in WCW pull that off. He also bumped enough to get his way into my heart in this match. Van Hammer really sucks it like a man but he also bumped and got out of the way. Reese is gonna put over a guy one-fourth his size on PPV so I don't have the heart to give him any guff about going over clean as a sheet against a guy who is a zillion times more talented than he is. And Hell, Reese's a thousand times better than the Giant and Goldberg combined. Juventud goes hogwild and tries to make the best of a stupid situation. To quote 38 Special, "We-were rock-ing in-to the-night, rockingintothenight."

-Y'know, I would usually hate ANYTHING that would interrupt an Eddy Guerrerro match- since Eddy is the best wrestler in the world the other sixty percent of the time- and I have been quite irrate with Chavo ruining the perfectly fine Wright/ Eddy match. This here match, Eddy was ACTUALLY DRAGGING A DECENT MATCH OUT OF SCOTT FRICKIN PUTSKI! SCOTT PUTSKI! EDDY IS [[[[[~~~~~GOD~~~~~~~]]]]]. Putski doesn't deserve all this magnificent carrying and Chavo cheap shotted him, so thank you, Chavo, for letting us laugh about Scott Putski... again. To quote Bocephus, "I get whiskey-bent and Hellbound..."

-Fit MuthaFrickin Finlay and Norman Black Magic Smiley go all British on our fat, American lucky asses and the yahoos in Detroit are too stupid to dig it. I love this stuff- the euro-mat wrestlers in WCW should have their own belt and their own division and their own show that comes on between WorldWide and the Pro. Think about it- Brookside vs Finlay, Finlay vs DBS, Doc Dean vs Smiley, Alex Wright vs DBS, let Malenko and Benoit come in join the stretchfest. Sign Franz Shumann, Steve Wright and Tony St Clair and make it five hours long every week. Hell I'd watch. To quote Lynard Skynard, "Women, Whiskey and Miles of Traveling is all I understand..."

What Didn't Work
-Hi. I am Dean. Let me tell you something about ME. My Fast Forward BECOMES a part of my OWN HAND on Mondays. 30 minutes of talking by guys who truly stink in the ring before the first wrestling match. Every couple of matches there is hours of endless yammering and yammering. No wonder this cavalcade of shit lost to a [[taped]]] RAW. If you're gonna have shitheads talking about nothing on Nitro you might as well watch folks on RAW who do the same thing since they do it better. I watched El Hijo Del Santo vs Negro Casas mask vs mask while this was taking place in real time and ff through this shit later so maybe it was really great. Who gives a shit? WCW has better wrestlers than the WWF, not that anybody would be able to tell a lot of the time. This is wrestling not the freakin McNeil-Lehrer report- I WANT SOME ACTION, BABY! Actually, they've given this Benoit- Booker T feud WAYYY too much air time for me to realy whine too much. To quote the Allman Brothers, "Sometimes I feel- sometimes I feel- like I've been tied to the whipping post. Good Lord, I feel like I'm dying."

-Hey! They try to pacify my growing insane hatred of the sloppy, useless, sack of shit called Goldberg who is going to squash Chavo a week before a PPV with his shitty, horrible offense. WCW says, "If we act like it's an angle about Chavo going crazy and challenging Goldberg, then it really ISN'T stupid! RIGHT!?!" Now, now, fellas. To quote my friend Porkchop, "You can't polish a turd." Goldberg in the ring is quite the quintessential example of a batch of feculence, so there you go. To quote Willie Nelson, "Forgiving you is easy, but forgetting seems to take the longest time."



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