The Monday Nitro Workrate Report

A weekly look at what did and didn't work on Monday Nitro by Dean Rasmussen

Monday, May 24th, 1999

I guess I'll tell you what I think about the Owen Hart tragedy and why this hit me harder than the other recent deaths. I mean, I don't know Owen Hart so I don't know why it hit me so much harder than Brian Pillman or Rick Rude or any of the other dozens of wrestlers that have died in the recent past. I guess it was because Owen was my age and he had two kids and I'm gonna have my second next month- I don't know, I was playing with my daughter yesterday and it crossed my mind that Owen Hart's kids won't have a daddy around and I think of that bond that was broken and I can feel for his family- especially his kids. That's where the real tragedy is. I guess from a wrestling fan standpoint, Owen Hart held a special place in my heart because he was a wrestler I knew of before I got into watching wrestling tapes, but he was the first familiar wrestler that I discovered as a different wrestler on the tapes I first got- a wrestler that was just motherfucking GREAT when you saw his matches that weren't in the big two. I remember the first time I saw Hart vs Keichi Yamada from New Japan or Hart vs Iizuka from TWA in Philadelphia and you saw how fucking WORLD CLASS he was and how head-and-shoulders he was above everybody else in North America at one time- it was a thrilling realization and he made me happy to know that I had discovered something in pro wrestling that fans who don't get tapes will never know. Plus, he was a major cog in the whole Calgary Stampede mystique of these guys up in Canada who trained in this prairie wasteland who went out into the world and could compete at the highest level internationally. Owen was the Vanguard that opened up the world to Benoit and that's when the legend of Stampede was cast and it created a compelling chapter in history of wrestling. After his knees were totally shot and he was milling around in WWF the last couple of years, I didn't really pay much attention to him, but when I got the news I realized quickly what the world had lost- A great motherfucking wrestler. I didn't know him to mourn him personally, but I have seen his greatness in the ring and every TRUE wrestling fan should mourn because when he was healthy and his knees were sound, he was one of the absolute best wrestlers in the world.

On to the WCW crap...

I took last week off because WCW took the week off the week before and their show was so wretched that I spared myself a second viewing. No such luck this week as it sucked massive cock even worse but I can't ignore it like last week- so welcome to my SuperHell. Nitro got mauled by RAW in the WRESTLING department which tells you how much WCW performed oral sex on whatever it performs oral sex upon until said entity climaxed onto onto WCW's metaphorical tonsils. GOD, big two wrestling sucks right now. I was talking to my wife- as we used the settlement money from the crushed beloved Crown Vic to buy another fabulous VCR from the Price Club- and I was telling her how I was really having trouble getting excited at all about wrestling in the US on any consistent basis and she said, "Well wasn't there a point you didn't watch wrestling (circa 91-93, part of 94, partly because of total lack interest and partly because I used to be too poor to get cable)?" I told her that it's worse now because BACK THEN it was just boring and stupid and David Sullivan was getting a push and the Brother Bruti was maineventing. That was just shitty wrestling that made me feel no urge whatsoever to watch it. I'm glad that anything good during my dormant fandom period was well-documented and I caught up, but there is no way I have any regrets about missing ANY of the shit WCW or WWF was shoveling out back then. They problem now is that it's retarded and boring and horrible BUT NOW it's also irritating as living hell because now they have all these wrestlers in WCW that I actually give a shit about and who I will watch in spite of the amazingly superior Japanese and Mexican tapes I have at my disposal that are slow to be watched and these said wrestlers are being used to put over HUGH MORRIS and- what the heck!- a NEW, Tougher VAN HAMMER! ALLRIGHT! This is the COOL NEW GIMMICK that will REALLY get your favorite talentless shithead friend over, DDP! WHIP ASS! Eat my Fuck, WCW. You can get on your knees and blow me. Anyway! Here's a rundown of what worked and didn't worked in the wacky braindead, retarded cesspool called WCW-

What Worked
Hey! Benoit vs Flair looks to give Flair an extended window of opportunity to actually participate in a decent wrestling match as the millenium winds down. Benoit is hovering as close to the top as ever and in the cynical atmosphere that pervades WCW, one can only wonder who he's gonna be called upon to put over to get them over by getting them in a their last gasp actual decent match before the Picadilly Cafeteria Dilly Dish special era of their God-forsaken lives kick in. I mean jiminy, what's Benoit gonna have to do next to prop up all the heavyweight semblances of actual wrestling at the top of WCW? Is he be donating a hip to Piper and a liver to Hall? Anyway, Benoit putting over Flair will be fine, fine irritating as hell wrestling just like Benoit putting over DDP. Well, you see, the REAL problem is that while it looked good for Benoit to turn on Flair and join Piper in a sort of dangerous, rube-friendly face stable, who the fuck knows how they will fuck it up by next week? I mean, WCW had a cool TV title scene for about three months and fucked that up, had a WAY cool cruiserweight division that they are in the midst of destroying and it looks like they are about to undo anything good they set down with the weeks of actual good wrestling that created actual interest in their before-then-horrendously-shitty tagteam situation. I got no faith in WCW booking and I'm tired of thinking that Benoit is gonna get anywhere in this company anymore. Y'see, the problem is that WCW works under a Zero Sum mentality. It's the economic idea that if someone has money and property, then there is a direct correlation to someone else being deprived of said money and property. Though insane economic growth from the Dark Ages to 1999 tends to blow gargantuan holes in that argument, it's still a pretty common held belief. WCW booking works under the same idea: HYPOTHETICAL EXAMPLE: If Norman Smiley is over then THAT'S why Rick Steiner ISN'T over, so we should put Rick Steiner over Norman Smiley and that precious finite Overness will be transferred to Steiner. Thus, since Benoit is over no matter how they try to kill him because he is SO GREAT that any situation he is thrown into becomes AWESOME to the viewer at home, it would seem that the WCW would deeply feel the urge to try de-Over Benoit by putting such deprived Overness-depleted victims like Nash, Hennig and the destroyed Flair over the Over Benoit. Other US promotions, like the WWF and ECW understand that you can have your ENTIRE ROSTER over at one time and you can, like, (in the example of ECW) develop amazing fan loyalty because your product seems to be chock-full of superstars who are over and motivated and (in the case of the WWF) make gigantic wads of money and beat everybody on TV's collective ass in the ratings. WCW doesn't understand that Overness is an endless commodity but it needs to be nurtured. You can tell they don't understand because they never nurture overness or Goldberg would still draw massive ratings and Sting would draw ANY ratings. WCW doesn't understand that UnOverness is just as endless of a commodity and UnOverness is harder to overcome than simply maintaining Overness so when these shitheads bury Once-and-could-have-possibly-been-future-Over Chavo Guerrerro Jr by having him be squashed by the Never-To-Be-Over-Ever VAN HAMMER, Chavo becomes UnOver and Van Hammer stays UnOver so what you've done is created two UnOver wrestlers. Congratulations, WCW! You're gonna get your ass kicked forever! AWRIGHT!

Benoit wrestled Buddy Lee Parker and put a brave actual-wrestling face on one of the shittiest segments of Sports Entertainment ever. HEY! Somehow the cameras got ALL the footage of Flair fixing wrestling matches! These camera crews are GREAT! They should work for CNN! How did David not find out? Does WCW really think that the fans would be too amazingly stupid to notice guys throwing matches to David Flair without having the Hidden Camera explaining the whole set-up with these mind-numbingly retarded vignettes? I mean, I know they are trying to weed us smart-in-ANY-sense-of-the-word fans out- and they are doing an ass-stompingly good job of shaving my Monday Night wrestling buzz to the point where I'm gearing up to say, "fuck you, shitheads, I've got an LLPW tape or something laying around here somewhere that I can watch instead" -, but do they really want an audience of just total idiots? Do said idiots actually drink Surge and use Castroil? What the fuck is Nash and co thinking? DO they actually think people give a shit? The match itself was a good exercise in Benoit making Parker look good and then making himself look good- like real wrestlers do in real wrestling organizations as opposed to WCW or the WWF.

Dean Malenko, WCW's only legit heel with legit heel heat, states the obvious.

Psicosis is still alive. Thank you God.

What Didn't Work
Disco vs The Cat vs Scott Norton. My mind reels at how amazingly horrible this is. Disco- The Serious Shoot-Interviewing Serious Wrestler is as cretinous as Super Nova- the Serious Serious Wrestler. A three-way feud between three guys who suck in the ring! Shove this back up your ass, WCW.

Van Hammer finally realizes a lifelong dream when he surpasses Ed Leslie in useless, heatless gimmick changes and really clobbers that stupid luchadore Chavo Junior BUT GOOD! Eat shit and die, WCW. You suck balls.

They have a Cruiserweight Battle Royal with all those stupid Mexicans and that Chinese guy who bought the Glacier junk from that other Chinese guy and luckily Hugh Morris came out and beat'em all up before I had to turn off the TV. Rey is the GIANT KILLER! Cruiserweights suck. Hugh Morris is big and rules. WCW sucks green donkey lungs all motherfucking day.

It just kinda goes on like this for a while. How many ways do you want to here me say "go fuck yourself, WCW"?



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