The Monday Nitro Workrate Report

A weekly look at what did and didn't work on Monday Nitro by Dean Rasmussen

Monday, March 2nd, 1998

What Worked
Juventud Guerrera rules the EARTH. He and Chavo take it to the mat Lucha Libre style and- even if the shitheads in Philly couldn't appreciate it- I was digging it the most. I loved the first two minutes (or first half of this match) and that it worked without leaving the ring once. Chavo whips out the rolling kneebar and Juventud does a freaky bow-and-arrow Satanico roll-up all in one match. What the heck else could you want? Chavo is really starting to kick it into gear and produce on a consistent basis and the fact that he could go straight Lucha with Juventud says a lot about his development as a PowerPlant wrestler. They botched a thing or two, and it was a Nitro match so it wasn't going to be long enough to be great, but Chavo is so good and Juventud is getting so close to greatness that this match rocked in the lunkhead and shit-for-brains parameters of Nitro. The Juvy Driver (number two?) was great and the 450 is always swank. Juventud is feeling it and his bizarro push is on I guess. Next stop for our excitable boy, Konan.

Fudge it. Raven fuggin kicks ass. I thought it was just the Benoit matches that were 90% Benoit and 10% Raven, but that 10% of Raven's is enough to make a glorified squash with Disco Inferno intriguing. These two had a weirdly transcendent match- maybe the first non-Benoit match where you really see the Benoit influence- Stiff as hell, insane bumps, intensity; Everything but the truly world-class dangerous moves. Still, those who are in the circle of Benoit opponents currently- the US title, the TV title contenders- are all aping the US Benoit and it's establishing a style pretty quickly. I was digging this.

Speaking of guys who are gonna be better off aping Chris Benoit, Scotty Riggs could use more matches against Benoit and a chance to break into the TV title picture, because this whole Raven angle got him out of that pansy assed gimmick and has him STARTING to wrestle a lot harder and better. I'd stick him in as low man in the Guerrerro-Booker T- Malenko- Jericho- Martel- Saturn axis of "belts for the guys who aren't neccessarily Cruiserweight but who don't suck ass in the ring like all of our crappy heavyweights." Benoit sells a lot of Riggs offense, an offense which is very deeply in the Better Version of Disco Inferno's Offense, but it's Benoit, he's a pro and a fucking MAN so he has no qualms about making sure his opponent look good, so Riggs has a good match.

Prince Iaukea and Psicosis have a neat little match that sucked because of the ending, but was real good in terms of what was done in the ring. Psic goes about 1/5 Tijuana in his suicidal head-crushing attempts but still good enough for free Monday and the apathetic marks in Philadelphia. The Prince is coming along slowly but surely, in that he looked a LITTLE better this time than the last time I saw him in with a real actual worker (Yuji Nagata). Psic is starting to work stiffer and I dig that, and he sorta tried to kill himself, and I dug that, and Prince did a Steamboat crossbody and I dug that and the actual ending was sloppy, but I dug the reversal concept, so I dug that.

Hacksaw Jim Duggan gets the holy crap kicked out of him. I don't care if it IS Scott Steiner, ANYBODY who can make his Royal Big Stupid Shittiness bump that much is A-OKAY in my book. By the end, Hacksaw looked like he was about to cry because of the beating he had to take. What a big pussy. HOOOOOOOOO!

Eh. Konnan was gonna kick the hell out of Super Calo because its Konan and he likes to ruin his luchadores whenever he can- to get himself over, but Calo hit some nice stuff and Konan has been attempting to not suck lately. I dread the Juventud vs Konan match. A bunch. Not as good as the weirdly watchable Lizmark Jr vs Konan match, but, hell, it worked for me and I am the god and all in this little column. So there.:)

Dean Malenko and Booker T get caught RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of Eddy and Jericho hitting a state of pure Rudo perfection as they generated enough goofball rudo heat to heat up all the Nitros and Thunders for the next three months- and since Booker T and Dean Malenko are both about as Lucha Libre as Lou Thesz, you can imagine their bafflement and chagrin. I'll jump on the Jericho-is-the-surrogate-Love-Machine Band-wagon. Well, actually Eddy is becoming the surrogate Love Machine and HE'S STILL the best worker in WCW. This match was pretty freakin GREAT as they go all Memphis with the cheap heat- but with actual good wrestling thrown in. I'm guessing Malenko is booking all this stuff because this was once again the best booked match on the card. Malenko goes over after Eddy beats up on Booker T- showing that Eddy is able to beat up the TV title holder- and Booker T escapes from Jericho, seperating Booker T and Eddy from the Cruiserweight champ, and Malenko gets the clean submission over the champion to heat their end of the cool mid-card tagteam situation. This rocked. Spinerooni Intensive (Jim's Wife! WHIP ASS! Tony WANTED to call it a spinerooni but that big historic main event blurred his judgement.)

What Didn't Work
HOOO-BOY! Did that Public Enemy vs Barbarian/ Hugh Morrus match SUCK. Even the tables themselves couldn't get a spot right. When the best worker in your match is the Barbarian, fear for your freakin life. Johnny Grunge did prove that he was a better worker than Hugh Morris. Of course, Hugh Morris really....uh .... stinks.

Bill Goldberg and Sick Boy are two rookies. Sickboy shows flashes of actual niftiness. Goldberg shows flashes of being shittier than the Ultimate Warrior (All the Roid Rage/ None of the hilarious/pathetic Delusional Self-important Psychotic Rambling). Goldberg- GO AWAY. You stink.

Diamond Dallas Page vs Hammer. Hmmm. If it sucked so much the first time, IT'S GOTTA RULE THE SECOND TIME! Hell, remember how much better that second Hogan/Sting match was? This sucked but advanced the set-up to Benoit vs Raven vs DDP and two of those guys are on my TO WATCH list. Maybe DDP won't fuck it up. Maybe he will. Okay, he probably will. Benoit better get a friggin belt SOON.

Hey now, before you jump to any conclusions about what I would say about these two, let me say that Davey Boy Smith vs Scott Norton was SO close to being good. It was Norton having a New Japan lapse and helping out the crippled DBS to look good and it was big and dynamic and stiff and then they had the frickin run-in before it could actually achieve anything of lasting worth. THIS would be a good feud for DBS. Norton can work when he's feeling up for it and DBS might light a fire under him. Booking killed this match though.

Ric Flair vs. Curt Hennig. Who gives a shit? At least Flair had a frickin shirt on this time.

Bret Hart has been dubbed the Misawa of North America by my esteemed evil nemesis and all around smarter guy than me, John D Williams. But nobody EVER said he had the power to raise the dead or feed a multide with eight loaves of bread and eight fishes. HELLOOOOO BRIAN ADAMS! Welcome to the Kevin Nash Realm of Wrestlers Who Suck So Bad That Bret Frickin Hart Can't Carry You To A Watchable Match. At least I think Adams WANTS to have a good match- as opposed to lazy worthless sack-o-crap Nash, but HEY! Luger wants to have good matches too. But Luger and Adams both really suck, soooooo- want in one hand and crap in the other and see which one fills up first, as my Uncle Doug- who could kick all these guys' asses at once- would say.

Sting and Randy Savage vs Scott Hall and Hollywood Hogan was actually okay with Scott Hall selling and Hogan trying to work and Sting staying out of the way and letting the actual wrestler on the team stay in. Until the bad run-in. Nitro blah blah blah nWo run-in blah blah blah same time next week... You know the drill.

Giant powerbombs Nash. Big deal. You both stink. Stereo Lumbering Lummoxes of stinkiness. Dual clumsy galoots that should be driving a custom made forklift somewhere, doing something useful for mankind. Instead we'll get two horrible fat guys who don't care about their vocation. It's unAmerican- the F*ckin commies.

And Tony Schiavonne is the worst too this week. All that matters, Tony, is that the wrestling in the ring is good you talk about it and when it sucks talk about how incredibly "important" and "historic" the Main Event is. The problem with WCW is that if they took that stance, the only time they could find a shitty enough match to talk over is when they get to the Main Event. Oooooo irony! Either way, Schiavonne sucked. Call a move, fatboy.



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