The Monday Nitro Workrate Report

A weekly look at what did and didn't work on Monday Nitro by Dean Rasmussen

Monday, February 16th, 1998

What Worked
WELL NOW. Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko vs Eddie Guerrero and Chris Jericho- This was the match of the night in a fucking walk. Malenko was the total bomb in this one as he and Benoit try to figure out new and creative ways to kill Eddy. Jericho is my idol but he got smoked six way to Sunday on this one- as you can tell who is still on the way who has been there for a while. The Benoit Deadlift into a German Suplex was as cool as Malenko's reverse powerbomb. Eddy is the KING and BEST WRESTLER IN NORTH AMERICA and when he's selling for these two, it doesn't get any better. Super Spectacular. A trillion stars. My idol doesn't have time for jobbers like Benoit and Malenko. He's no jabronie!

Yuji Nagata kicks La Parka REAL hard a whole lot of times so LaParka kicks Nagata REAL hard a whole lot of times and then they let LaParka get all highflying and what not- so I loved this match, needless to say. The DI run-in set up LaParka doing the Tarantino-style Chair execution of DI with dancing between the chairshots and gets Nagata the win so it was a run-in with a cause. NOW THAT'S TELEVISION, FOLKS! I await LaParka vs Disco Inferno more than I've EVER looked forward to a DI match before. LaParka is beautiful. LaParka is Funtabulous! LaParka touches all true wrestling fans in a way that scares them and scars them. LaParka is the world's forgotten boy, the one who searches to destroy! LaParka is really neat- he is made of turtle... oh wait.

Ultimo Dragon vs Kidman was a whole lot better than the match they had a few shows ago. UD didn't let Kidman get out of hand and really doubled his effort to get the story of the match across this time around, gluing the psychology together during the ending with the Kidman Gets out Certain Defeat But Is Really Delaying The Inevitable story which permeates alot of Japanese wrestling matches that pits a young guy up against a master- which wasn't an aspect of their first match but which surfaced in that really good UD/Saturn match. And the gold lame UD Outfit WHIPPED ASS. I mean REALLY WHIPPED ASS. This match was very cool despite UD doing the dreaded Giant Swing AND a variation of the repulsive-to-all-right-thinking-wrestling-fans Rolling Cradle just to test my true Ultimo Dragon Fandom.

Saturn vs Rick Martel was really good except for the stupid ending. Why not put Saturn over clean if your dropping the belt to Martel that very same night? It would make for a better reason for the idiot stipulation at SuperBrawl. JJ should have just said, "Tape showed that you cheated. You get the winner on Nitro the next night." Still good, as Martel is fighting father time and NOT wrestling like every other codger has been in WCW and is actually coming through with the good matches on a consistent basis.

The Steiners had a good match with the great, great BUFF and the unobtrusive Scott Norton. They went straight New Japan for a lot of this, which would make sense since the last great matches any four of these had was in a New Japan ring. BUFF ruled it and made the suddenly not listless Rick Steiner look almost threatening. BUFF rules. The run-in didn't.

Rick Martel vs Booker T was really good. I'm glad they gave it enough time to look like an actual title match. Martel is the real deal when it comes to knowing how to put a match together. How come all those other so-called legends and supposed all-time greats in WCW can't put together a match half as good as the equally as decrepit Martel? Could it be that Martel actually still gives a shit? That's my guess. I await the rematch. And don't forget the Booker T spinerooni (tm- Jim's wife. HA-HA! You have to read this too now!:)) his second hottest move that he does now that is becoming number one because Booker T doesn't get to hit the Harlem Hangover lately. Plus the breakdancing aspect of the move reminds me of hanging out at malls and buying shirts at Chess King.... I think I just shared too much.....

What Didn't Work
Bill Goldberg beats Hugh Morrus. Boy. Hugh Morris should REALLY go to WWF so he can become Ollie's problem. I don't want to see his sorry, fat keister stinkin up a match on my side of the Monday Night wars. Goldberg wins this weeks squash with the least amount of effort yet. I'm all out of love.

Sick Boy showed that he might be good one day here in against former Man At Work, Mark Starr; but Starr is showing that he was definately the Fuyuki to Chris Canyon's Kawada in the late lamented tag-team named after the Australian three-hit wonder. But Starr doesn't make me sick. Starr is the weak-sister lost Armstrong brother though, and this was definately a sloppy training match for Sickboy that never should have seen the light of day. There is a reason God created dark matches.

Public Enemy- the greatest smoke-and-mirror grand Heyman creation ever- shows up after a few months of eating all the raw veggie platters in the back, to job to the suck-ass Outsiders. Rocco Roc- the only actual wrestler in the ring- is REALLY starting to look like he is actually 45 years old and is coasting along nicely it seems. Nash is such a big nothing in the ring and I stopped laughing at his cutesy jokes when I realized what a huge batch of horrible wrestling he is gonna be providing for the next few years on my TV set. If I wanna laugh, I'll listen my old Richard Pryor records. If I wanna watch decent wrestling I'll watch close to everything but Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. And Johnny Grunge has to be the happiest guy in America because he somehow lucked into a lucrative job that he is totally hapless at doing. Nash does that devastating Sid-level "powerbomb" onto a table. Which would have been cool if every match that PE has had didn't have a tres similar table spot in it. But it does, so it did, so it wasn't.

Mike Enos vs Barry Horowitz- I don't know if this didn't work, it just didn't do ANYTHING. I LIKE both of these guys. Horowitz is a good worker and Enos is a very above average worker and this should have been SOMETHING. This was like an extra Nitro Girls segment of something... except Horowitz...wears... smaller pants.... AH CRAP!

The Barbarian vs Meng. I have to laugh a hideous laugh unto myself. Somewhere in this great big wrestling world of ours, a slack-jawed yokel is getting pumped AND psyched for this feud. I'm sure he will be the guy sitting behind me at the next WCW house show I attend. HOOOOOOOOOOO! U-S-A! WOO-HOO!

HEY! CRUSH is in the nWo and is doing a Canadian Rocker Gimmick! They're calling him Bryan ADAMS! THAT's WACKY!! WCW is really gonna be a hard charger for the Canadian market it's looking like. Maybe they will bring over nWo Japan new recruit, Rick Bogner, as Geddy Lee or the bass player for Voivod or something. The thing to remember is that a stiff by any other name is still gonna have crappy matches against Jim Neidhart. My heart is not aflutter with excitement.

Curt Hennig vs Bobby Eaton went to the edge. There it stood and looked down. It lost of friends there, baby. Me included. This would have been good in 1988. Welcome, my friends, to 1998 and these two dreams are over. And Hennig is proving to be the polar opposite of the Rick Martel effect. As opposed to being old and getting over on his work because he's got something to prove, Hennig has degenerated to nothing. I hope Kojima beat the hell out of him before he put his old ass over Sunday.

Lex Luger and Sting vs Hollywood Hogan and Macho Man. The Macho Man is pretty good once or twice a year. He used those up against DDP though. oh yeahhhh.



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