The Monday Nitro Workrate Report

A weekly look at what did and didn't work on Monday Nitro by Dean Rasmussen

Monday, February 15th, 1999

Boy Howdy! That was about as good as Nitro gets. Wrestling-wise. Boy Howdy!

What Worked
The WCW braintrust finally figured out how to bring a Cruiserweight in and not have to totally rebuild him to get him over. Y'see, whatcha do is PROTECT him. Blitzkreig- who is green as Harley Race's tattoos has been in two WCW televised matches and they have been REAL smart about not exposing his weaknesses (though they did have him paired up with Super Calo- who is quite the Rudo's Rud... Green Grocer). I wonder how Juvie, Kidman, Psic and Chavo would have fared if they would have figured this out two years ago. First, they debut him against Misterio and he comes out looking as strong as Misterio looked debuting against Malenko. Second, they stick him in a six-man with four of the best in the business where he doesn't have to do anything but hit a couple of flashy highspots and not TOTALLY fuck anything up. I have no idea why Silver King or- BEST YET- Villano IV wasn't in this match and paired up with the young flashy California punk, because they would have fared better in the awkward opening sequence, since they have been spoonfeeding baby luchadores for decades now. The more I watch the match, the more I'm thinking that Blitzkreig was crossed up by how true Luchadores work a match. I dunno, US wrestlers ALWAYS work to the left and I think it's not as hard and fast a rule with Luchadores so I think maybe that's why stuff just came out weird and was totally blown in the first minute. But I'm REALLY just guessing here. The REALLY great things about this match were multiple and they make up for the blown spots here and there- (1) It was Seventeen minutes long. I remember thinking that they could never do a REAL Lucha Libre style match on US free TV because it would take too long. After seeing this, and seeing the crowd get hostile and impatient when it started and then get real hot, then die down, and then get real hot and cool off for a few minutes and then stay hot to the end- I'm thinking a three caida full-blown trios match on FREE US ENGLISH-SPEAKING TV is not far off at all. Hell, WCWSN should have a full-blown trios match every week. The length of this match set up the beauty that is Lucha Libre- HERE is the story- THE ACTUAL SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT in it's purest, HARDEST form: Psic and Juventud are friends and they are a great team because they have fun wrestling in the ring as a tag team. El Dandy is as Old School as Spoonie-Gee and doesn't like Juventud acting like such an candied ass prettyboy in front of the gringos. Hector Garza is also Old School- being one of Satanico's boys in EMLL originally and not one of Konnan's boys- and wants to show that he is a harder wrestler and a more graceful flyer than these flashy Tijuana boys. Super Calo is pissed at Blitzkreig because he's getting the push that Calo should have gotten when HE first came in. All but the last story gets fleshed out and I think that Calo was pushing for that when he throws Blitzkrieg into Psic and Juventud's corner and challenges him to come back out. It was such a classic storyline that Blitzkreig didn't pick up on- as he should have come back strong and tried to prove himself to Calo- but hey, Blitzkreig is really green. El Dandy is great in this as he draws the crowd directly into the match with ONE SMACK to Juventud's face and tells half the story with it. The other half is when the enter the ring against each other again in the match. With seventeen minutes, they can build to that and they did and it brought the crowd back in. (2) NOTICE HECTOR GARZA. He's not just a pretty boy, he's a damn good wrestler who was fearless in his ability to throw in the most cool suplexes and powermoves of the six and was the most graceful flyer so- HEY! he was the HARDEST and most graceful. Score one for former EMLL boy. Push him already. (3)Juventud has gotten himself back over again and at this rate, he's taking Psicosis with him- which is really good. (4) FIVE hideously blown spots and this is STILL one of the coolest, most truly fun matches ever on Nitro- and it didn't even have a highspot train until it set up Blitzkrieg's finisher- the first Stardust Press I can think of on Free TV. This was just fucking great and I've watched it four times already.

Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko wrestle the first of their two marathon matches for the suddenly cool as shit WCW tagteam tournament. The first match they have is hands down coolest match on free TV lately. Fit Finlay and Dave Taylor BRING the fucking Snakepit Technique and suddenly it's Japan vs Europe and Malenko blurs both lines as they put it in a Southern Tagteam format. The WEIRD thing about this match- other than the fact that they gave it a BIG BATCH of time- is that the coolest parts AREN'T when Benoit and Fit Finlay are in together- weird for me because FIT motherfarking FINLAY and CHRIS motherfriggin BENOIT are two of my all-time favorite wrestlers- but that the coolest part is when Dean Malenko and Dave Taylor TAKE IT TO THE MAT like Johnny Valentine and Danny Hodge in Witchita Falls, TEXAS in 1971 like when I saw five. This was so ALIEN to nineties US wrestling and made this match SO Balls-Out Cool-as-Shit. My personal fave is when Dave Taylor gets Malenko in the Bow and Arrow hold that Stu Hart was stretching the hell out of that bald guy in the Bret Hart Documentary. Finlay worked stiff as a total mother and I loved the living hell out of it. He hit the NINE STAR AWA elbow right across throat of BOTH Malenko and Benoit at some point and I was digging it. He did the cool ass Low Angle Dropkick through the ropes, grabbed Malenko's nose to apply the what would have been an average chinlock. All of this while working within the context of a Southern Tag match- with Chris Benoit being the Greatest Robert Gibson That Ever Lived. Benoit and Malenko win with a Cool Ass Flying Headbutt- Texas Cloverleaf finisher. Truly Balls-Out in it's esoteric style and over the top stiffness by Benoit and Finlay. Technically perfect and it only thoroughly pissed off the crowd twice which is quite amazing in unto itself.

Jerry Flynn looks great carrying the lovely and dazzling Saturn. Latent becomes blatant again this week as Saturn is REALLY getting into utilizing the dress to his full advantage and I'm digging it. Flynn didn't kick like a total pussy AGAIN so I'm getting more on the Flynn bandwagon since I was so lukewarm earlier in his career. Jericho- who I'm guessing is resigning any minute now until we finally get to July and he jumps- takes an Exploider Like a Man. Flynn with the win- finnegan begin again.

The second Benoit and Malenko match was REALLY fricking long and- though not as great as the first one- was pretty damn cool. Enos brings the stiffness and Benoit whips out the Double Snot Rockets on him and Enos takes it up with the ref- which was great. I wish there was some way of heating up Enos and Riggz because they were actually a fine tag team. Riggz was really feeling it as he did a lot of solid powermoves and did a couple of nifty things here and there like the Oklahoma Roll and the Dropkick to the Face. He sold the knee well for a while and actually waited a little while before forgetting about it completely. This match and the first were SO Ole Anderson As Booker In Florida with all the Southern psychology and a ban on almost all highspots. I was raised on that and was loving this. The ending is a variation on the first matches ending with Riggz getting a roll-up out of the Cloverleaf and thus also escapes Benoit's headbutt- only to lose in the standing Switch Contest with Benoit as he attaches the Crippler Crossface and gets the win. This was good. I dug this a bunch.

What Didn't Work
They did the Bret Hart vs Will Sesso match the way they should have- with Hart beating the shit out of him. Sesso took some bumps and I got no beef with him. This didn't work because I didn't understand the whole point of it and they were nine guys in the back I'd rather see Bret Hart wrestle. C'mon- is it TOO much to ask for Benoit to wrestle three times in one night.

The skits were HORRIBLE. The REALLY horrible thing is when Flair comes crawling into the arena and the announcers act like they're SURPRISED and CAN'T FIGURE OUT WHAT HAPPENED?!? I guess they do what any other red-blooded wrestling fan does whenever one of the big two offer up their shitty GLOW-level But Without The Charm little skits- they turn the channel and watch ten minutes of Dr Katz.

The Flair beatdown was the worst. The helicopter reminded me too much of the nightmare-inducing Island Deathmatch between Antonio Inoki and Masa Saito. The actual feel of the whole skit was the Superbowl halftime show reenacting scenes from Millers Crossing. Well, no. THAT would have been really cool. It's was more like the more hideous parts of CASINO but as directed by Hal Needham. SUCK. The use of nine cameras and all this stupid editing and post-production and Total Television Sitcom Camera work brough back memories of DDP and Dave Sullivan having the fistfight outside the restaurant with Post-production foley artist sound effects added in. HEY! Now that I think of THAT, WCW was pioneering truly shitty SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT years before Vince decided to WILEY COYOTE the WWF. Golly.

Hogan spoke and I leaned on the fast forward. Piper makes a match with Hogan- so THUS, the man who gave up his seat to Buddy Holly and the Big Bopper wrestles Margaret Thatcher's Prom date. This really sucked- but luckily they gave it the time they would usually give the Lucha match and vice-versa. Maybe this worked after all.

I'm tired of the nWo. They can't wrestle. They aren't funny. They're older than EVEN I AM and I gave up trying to be hip YEARS ago. Hey guys, here a hip quote for you: "I got three words for you- learn to fucking type."



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