The Monday Nitro Workrate Report

A weekly look at what did and didn't work on Monday Nitro by Dean Rasmussen

Monday, February 1st, 1999

That was the best episode of AWA Monday Nitro EVER!

What Worked
Hennig plus Benoit equals GOOD WRESTLING- for whatever reason (well I guess that should be "for Benoit reason") and since Hennig is in front of the hometown, he's feeling it for once. Benoit beats the hell out of everyone and then sells like a freakin CHAMP and then puts Minnesota Boy over clean as a sheet. Benoit will put another Minnesota boy over semi-clean as a sheet later- and all we can do is thank garsh that Minnesota Boy Lenny Lane didn't get a match with Benoit during the second hour (ALL-BENOIT! ALL THE TIME!) or golly knows what kind of night this would have been when Lane whipped out the People's Kneedrop for the big win over the former J-Cup Winner. Anyway, this was ANOTHER cool tag match in WCW this month- as it seems you can't throw a vcr without it taping one these days. Hennig bumped like a freak for Benoit and Malenko, and Barry Windham was quite the non-entity, so this was really good, And it was really long. People can whine about Benoit putting everybody over clean as a sheet tonight but he's over as all fudge. Malenko isn't over as all fudge so he can't afford to take a clean pin at this point, so Benoit's the man. The beauty of Benoit is that he only needs one midgrade win and he's back to being as over as all fudge. Hennig hits the Fisherman Suplex and somewhere Jerry Blackwell is smiling.

Van Hamner uses a Toprope Nodawa just like my favorite All Japan wrestler Akira Taue (as a homage to the passing of wrestling legend Giant Baba to liver failure maybe?) and then Kaos follows it up with Springboard.. oh wait, it's Sandman. He's po'd that everybody else is taking credit for things they stole from grainy W*ING tapes before he got a chance to take credit for it! And he really hates Bam Bam! And we go to commercial. Bam Bam Bigelow dragged a watchable match out of the (HEY! sorta in-shape) Sandman- which is more than what anybody else can say (except Mikey Whipwreckt ONCE). Bam Bam Bigelow is early candidate for Comeback of the year- because he has had some choice matches lately and has carried some real loads to decent matches, beyond the resurgence of his stellar ECW stay. Sandman lucked into keeping his gimmick because this guy can't ACTUALLY wrestle at all, since he was the PINNACLE of the vaunted Great Heyman Creations- what with him being a poor man's (NO, not Cactus Jack, he was NEVER in that league) Nakamaki with Charismatic Mic-skills and a Cool Entrance. Bam Bam looked great, Sandman does fearlessly take ANY bump so this would be smart feud- as would any feud where someone can figure out how to setup Sandman's idiot bumps to the point that they make sense in context. Anyway....

Lash Laroux ROCKS in his Nitro debut as he whips out his PowerPlant Triple Bock Offense and takes it to the wildly great Billy Kidman for WHAT? forty five minutes. Lash kills himself over the rail, does a goofy clothesline and does TWO Falcon Arrow Variations. Billy puts an end to The Dream with his own superslick offense and we take this baby home with Big Pop-inducing Shooting Star. I really dug this match and all, but Venum Motherfuggin Black was throwing softballs at Bischoff RIGHT OUT FRONT instead of wrestling against Billy Kidman. I assume he and SuperBoy (who was also in the crowd) are gonna be on Thunder and WCWSN and I'll not get to fawn over their awesomeness like I want to. And WHAT THE HELL was SilverKing wearing. Rey pointed out the Villano IV Pink Panther T-shirt and I FELL OUT.

Scott Steiner decides to actually wrestle- as opposed to "wrestle heel"- and Jericho is up for the challenge and they have about as good a match as you are gonna get out of Big Poppa Icopro. Saturn's sexually-confusing scariness is OFF THE CHARTS! and I'm also confused because Saturn helps a guy who is currently stalking and sexually harassing Kimberly. If Saturn would just turn into the super great psychotic cross-dressing ass-kicker and embrace his quasipseudo-gay sub-culture tendencies, we would REALLY have something really cool on our hands. It would SO Escarlotta Pimpernella Goes All Gringo and it would ROCK. I guess Our Role Model is getting in as much real wrestling as he can before the big jump- since at this rate, the WWF is going to be a hideous cross of XENA-Warrior Princess, Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling and "WILEY COYOTE!" by the time July roles around. Maybe he and Mankind can have a horribly embarrassing "comedy" match during halftime of the Grey Cup or something. He and Steiner work stiff as shit as they seem to be showcasing the fact that Jericho is gonna be able to carry Kane to good matches in August since he can draw THIS match out of a useless slab like Steiner.

Benoit does STANDING Double Snot Rockets on the way to beating the shit out of Scott Hall and that was DEFINATELY NUMBER ONE AND THE BEST. The Snot Rocket is right behind the Diving Headbutt, the High Angle Powerbomb, the Toprope Gutwrench Suplex and the Locomotion Suplex as his coolest moves. Bret Hart comes out and makes with the jokes as he also puts Benoit over in the commentary. I'm guessing this is gonna be reversed or something. As it stands now, one of the parts of this match that worked was that since Benoit jobbed to Bookerman's pally and all-around lapdog, I don't have to order the PPV since it now DEFINATELY has NOTHING I'd EVER pay to see and THUS my currently pregnant-with-our-second-child wife won't punch me directly in throat for throwing away money on a PPV I'll spend most of the time complaining about. So thank you, WCW, for depriving us of Benoit/Bret Hart for another PPV.... again.

What Didn't Work
Scott Norton REALLY beat the living shit out of the Shat and when two guys who really suck really beat the hell out of each other, I guess it's a real good thing. I dunno. I mean, I'm really glad that Medical science has taken open-heart surgery techniques to such lofty heights of success, but I don't actually want to WATCH it. My MAIN problem with this match was that Norton sold more for the Shat than he sold for Yuji Nagata for the IWGP title at the Tokyo Dome so to hell with Scott Norton. And that just leaves the Shat. GOD! He kicks like a pussy. To paraphrase Phil Schneider, you can beat on Miller all day but you can't polish Shat. HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!

The anecdotes with the nWo trying to figure out how to get from the airport to the Target center were great training films for a Logistics of Time-Management course but it ain't fucking wrestling so shove it back up your ass, you batch of idiots. They were Vince-irific so THAT was an upside.

The DDP skit was WEAK. And it made DDP look like a big pansy because he didn't go after the Wolfpack with a gun like an actual husband would. Wotta wuss. What kind of MAN are you? That whole angle is SO third-rate BAD ECW 1996. PEE YOO!

Once again: Luchadore in RING- good. Luchadore throwing Softballs at Dunking Booth while wearing insane clothing- less good.

HEY! Van Hammer is only wrestler other than Buck Rock n Roll Zumhoff from the whole state of Minnesota who didn't win a match tonight. Actually, i guess that works. OOPS! Oh. I forgot Baron Von Raschke....

Benoit wants to have a wrestling match and beats the hell out of Hall for a while. Scott Hall- fearing that he will totally destroy his reputation as the laziest wrestler alive- decides to turn this- midmatch- into Mike Rotundo vs Chris Benoit as he whips out the JEFF JARRETTICIZED! offense with the Abdominal Stretch! AND HE GRABS THE ROPES! THIS AIN'T WORLDWIDE, SHITHEAD. Your in the fucking main event of Nitro with Chris Motherfucking Benoit- DO SOMETHING, you load. Benoit in the main event two weeks in a row is good. The odiferous clumps of feculence he's stuck in the ring with is BAD. Awyeah.



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