The Monday Nitro Workrate Report

A weekly look at what did and didn't work on Monday Nitro by Dean Rasmussen

Monday, January 26th, 1998

What Worked
Chavo Jr looked great putting over Psicosis. I'm super-digging his swank Tope Con Hilo and this was even better than the one from Thunder. Psicosis took the neccessary bumps but he isn't getting over as the monstrously insane rudo that he is in Mexico- for some reason. He can't figure out where he's going or what kind of style he is wrestling in the US. Whereas Juventud has found his niche as a fiesty little technico and is slowly but surely getting over, Psicosis is looking lost. The difference is that Psicosis career is looking super focused in Mexico as a tweener and Juventud is totally lost in Mexico. I guess you don't get both. I got no beef with the announcers this week because for the second straight week they actually talked about the action during the matches I gave a crud about, but if Tenay was in the booth for this match, he would have gotten over the fact that Psicosis was avenging the clean pin at Souled Out in that marvy little bout. I'd push Chavo Jr heavy and make Psicosis his first feud. I have no idea how to heat it up, but I'll leave that up to the WCW braintrust.

I, being a Chris Jericho disciple AND a Jeri-maniac, was thrilled that he dedicated the belt to me SECONDLY. Of course, he is showing WAY too much leniency on that little freak, Rey Misterio Jr. I mean HELL! he IS wearing his SHIRT for God's sake, isn't THAT enough? Especially since Rey was saying a lot of things he didn't mean about the Lionheart before whatever happened to his knee happened to his knee. MY champion! YESSSS!!!!

Hey! Ultimo Dragon vs El Dandy was about as little as it could be- as it just seemed like a way for UD to get his pink (?) clad mug on my TV screen. Still, UD at his least is better than anything else on earth so I was digging it. But, deulling Dandinos would have been nice.

Saturn vs Booker T was pretty good if a bit rambling. Notice what Rick Martel brings to the table as his matches against these two were far superior to them alone. Martel has a greater knowledge of building a match and setting up spots and getting the opponent's offense over as a part of a whole match as opposed to just spots in themselves, which is what this dipped into at times. Martel's matches made a lot more sense in how it will work to a certain point and the offense was a reaction to what Martel was doing. You didn't get that in this. I still dug it though.

Raven's match against Mortis was pretty okay- if one six-hundreth of what the BEAUTIFUL Benoit/Raven match was. Mortis and Raven are both not afraid to take an ass-stompingly HUGE bump and both weren't afraid to supply the selling. The problem is that Mortis is a bizarro move master- kinda like a less-psychology-laden old school luchadore like Dos Caras- and Raven isn't in a good match unless he's selling a King-Sized ass-stomping like Benoit wasn't afraid to supply. Mortis isn't geared for that, but it was an interesting match- at face value anyway.

What Didn't Work
BANNING THE POWERBOMB?!? What the hell were they thinking? One thing a wrestling fan hates is an outward sign of weakness and this will go down as the Bill Watts Toprope Ban Heat-Killer of the late 90's if it continues. I love the fact that they are making an angle out the fact that their two dirt-worst, shittiest wrestlers can't pull off a freakin powerbomb without killing each other. Of course, if they were actually serious about avoiding injuries because of sloppy wrestling, they'd take the Steiners out behind the CNN building and have them shot (not that I'm condoning it). Well, not outrightly. And then Nash does his sub-Sycho Sid crappy powerbomb (of course, calling what shit-for-brains Nash does and what Chris Benoit does both a powerbomb is pretty hialious when you thyink about it) so it's all an angle get Nash's sorry no-working ass over. SUCK BEYOND THE KINGDOM OF SUCK.

Hey! It's Goldberg vs Brad Armstrong. Brad Armstrong is a good solid worker. Goldberg yells a whole lot (it's NOT "HOOOOO!" yet, though.) This match really sucked.

The problem with bringing over Bret Hart is that he'll bring the more crappy members of his family with him since Owen isn't going anywhere. Jim Neidhart is such a load of excrement and this match against the former Beverly brother was absolutely horrible. I'm trying to think of how many four star matches Bret Hart will have to produce before he can make up the damage that Niedhart will inflict on the wrestling public. IIIII dunno.

Mongo vs Davey Boy Smith? Gimme a freakin break. DBS is always teetering between the distinction of being the worst good worker on earth and being the world's most carryable stiff. Mongo ain't gonna bring out the best in anyone and the former Hart Foundation is really stinking up the TV so far.

Hey! DDP hasn't haad a good match since he dragged a star out of Hogan and this one against Wrath ain't gonna change that streak. DDP is lost and if keeps killing time before his Ace-Crusher like this, he's gonna lose me.

Louie Spicolli and Juventud was the worst. This would have worked if Juventud went over clean and then they had the shithead Savage run-in. Hey! Savage is turning against the nWo! Big fucking deal, let Juventud beat the fat sack of crap that is Louie Spicolli and get it over with. And Spicolli's Death Valley Driver is 1/2,000,000 of Takaiwa's or ESPECIALLY Mita's. nWo should keep their old, useless, fat asses out of actual wrestling matches and go back to drawing in the legion of brainstem-deprived yahoos that give a shit about them. Leave me to my good wrestling, fuck faces.

Lex Luger vs Scott Hall. No wrestling. No nothing. ALLRIGHT!!!



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