The Monday Nitro Workrate Report

A weekly look at what did and didn't work on Monday Nitro by Dean Rasmussen

Monday, January 18th, 1999

WCW continues to be the most nightmarishly psychotic girlfriend I could have. The last two weeks she's been listening to her stupid friends and went out of her way to piss me off. This week she came over to my side a little- but it wasn't like my puroresu girlfriend which wears the Dallas Cowboy cheerleader outfit and tells me how good-lookin' I am all the time. WCW didn't spit directly into the faces of it's real wrestlers so it was quite a giant step up.

What Worked
Lex Luger is more of a company man than ANY of the legendary company men- Arn Anderson, Stan Hansen, Ric Flair, Bret Hart, Toshiaki Kawada. Sure, Kawada will continue to be loyal to Baba and Misawa after they continue to metaphorically smack him directly in the face time and time again. But would he sell for Rey Misterio Jr LIKE THAT!?!? Sure Stan Hansen would screw over Verne Gagne royally over the AWA belt, out of loyalty to Baba. But would he sell for Rey Misterio AT ALL?!?! Sure Arn Anderson put over the Renega... oh wait. Anyway, I figured this was gonna suck it so hard that I would projectile vomit onto the wall. For whatever reason, Lex Luger decides to make Rey Misterio Jr look credible or make himself look really uncredible- I dunno. Either way, it helped Rey and that's all I REALLY care about. It was nice of Luger- and Nash to certain extent- to sell for the little creep. HEY! This sets up a tag match that NO ONE wanted to see.

Jericho does a credible Benoit Lite impersonation- wrestling about the same match as Benoit and Booker T wrestled in the Big Eight, with more Memphis and less Whip Ass than his more talented Compatriot- but with Jericho making Booker T's tricky and hard-to-make-credible offense look real real good. Booker T shows what sets him apart from the other WCW wrestlers of his size- the ability to actually WORK and the propensity to bump like a motherfucker. Jericho must be close to re-signing or the WCW wants to jack up the price for the WWF to sign him because you can stick five upper card WWF guys who are almost as carryable as Booker T in this slot and it could main event a PPV in one year. My guess is that WCW has no idea what they're doing.

WELL! WELL! Psicosis is FINALLY getting a push and Juventud is the first to put him over clean as a sheet. Juventud is TRUE friend because not only did he make Psicosis look as great as he actually IS, but he also didn't one-up Psic's SWANK- and I mean SWANK- LWO FUCK-YOU-GRINGO mask. Being a GUY, Juventud found AMAZINGLY hideous pants to truly shift all gazes of Lucha coolness towards the man with the horns on his head. The match itself was really cool with some really big spots that were set up well- though a bit more flying would have dragged the deadbeat crowd more into the proceedings. Juventud opts to totally kill himself for Psic as he takes the tope straight into the rail and by taking the toperope face-buster- well HEY!- right on the face. I can't figure out how they are gonne heat this baby up now that Latino Jesus is out for a while. I guess we'll see what kinda starpower Kidman is packing in this feud.

Saturn vs Scott Steiner was neat for a minute there when it looked like the new suplexboy was gonna go suplex to suplex with the old suplexboy. Unfortunately, Steiner- who stinks- ain't up for the challenge. Though he does muster a great released bell-to-belly, the whole match COULD have been just great.

What Didn't Work
I kept the Bischoff vs David Flair match on the permanent tape because ONE DAY someone is gonna have a complete copy of ALL of the AWA Team Challenge and ALL of the "Bandits and Bodyguards" PPV AAAANNNNNND PWC Space Alien Death Matches and I will have this TRULY WRETCHED wad of Wrestlecana to serve up. I'll also have EVERY match the Leprachaun ever wrestled. I'm stoked. The vcr is revved up and ready to go. WOO-HOO!

The main event was really good up to the "exciting" run-ins at the end.

Duncum/Enos vs Meng/Barbarian started well with the swanky plancha by Duncum but degenerated quickly into A Lot Of Killing Of Time Until The Mounties Show Up. YEESH! This wasn't good. I believe this is... Failed MENG Push... oh golly lemme count here... NUMBER FOUR?!?! WCW has a sparkling shitheadedness of persistence when it comes to bad ideas executed horribly. This match had about four examples running together: (1) MENG push, (2) half-assed tag tourney, (3) burying of Duncum and Enos as a tag team, (4) NWO with tazer in tow ruining other parts of the card as opposed to their own stomach-churning main events. It's like a Bizzarro World All Japan tag match.

HEY! WRATH is leaving! ALLRIGHT! He gets to be Ollie's source of fecal-based jokes from now on. Thank GOD! This match would have worked if DI would have won with an Iron Claw or maybe a heartpunch- I dunno- ANYTHING to make up for the hideous Wrath push of the last couple of months. Fuck a screwjob, you dipshits, BURY THE MOTHERFUCKER ALREADY.



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